Conquest II - The Viking Hordes

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Screenshots - Conquest II - The Viking Hordes

Conquest II - The Viking Hordes atari screenshot
Conquest II - The Viking Hordes atari screenshot
Conquest II - The Viking Hordes atari screenshot
Conquest II - The Viking Hordes atari screenshot
Conquest II - The Viking Hordes atari screenshot
Conquest II - The Viking Hordes atari screenshot
Conquest II - The Viking Hordes atari screenshot
Conquest II - The Viking Hordes atari screenshot

Information - Conquest II - The Viking Hordes

GenreStrategy - WargameYear1994
LanguageSTOS BASICPublisher[no publisher]
ResolutionLowLicensed from

Effemey, Ralph

CountryUnited Kingdom
Graphic Artist(s)


Game design

Effemey, Ralph

Box / InstructionsEnglish


LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
Sound FX


Cover Artist(s)ST TypeST, STe / 1MB
Dumpdownload atari Conquest II - The Viking Hordes Download / MSANumber of Disks1 / Double-Sided

Instructions - Conquest II - The Viking Hordes


Conquest 2 was written due to the reasonably successful Conquest.
        But it needed more if it was to be as successful!

   So, you now have a potential of FIVE lands (or Islands) to
                       explore or conquer!
There are more elements to control e.g. Miners and weapon-making
    but the game play is simplified. No longer is the weather
       a factor (it sometimes made Conquest too dificult!)

 The icon system has been made more intuitive-clicking the right
    mouse button will ALWAYS exit a routine and certain text
      screens stay for you to read until you manually exit.

 One novel feature is that you can now control time and lengthen 
  or shorten the playing day. Short to begin with but longer as
your tasks increase in number. There is also a SAVE GAME feature,
 very useful when you realise the game can take weeks to play!!
  The object remains the same - keep your citizens alive for as 
                long as possible, ruling wisely.

                        AND NOW THE ICONS
   Most should be obvious, point and click with the LEFT mouse
   button. From top left to bottom right on the ACTION SCREEN
                           they are:-
             START FISHING-most important for food.
       FELL TREES-you need trees for all sorts of things.
 BUILD BOATS-can't colonise without boats, you're on an island.
               BUILD HOUSES-needed for protection.
BUILD STOCKADE-Needed for protection. From who? You'll find out!
       KILL CATTLE-needed for food. Good emergency supply!
                 GROW CROPS-for food naturally!
   BAKE BREAD-bakers can only do this if there is enough corn!
              PLACE LOOKOUT-ignore at your peril!!!
                MINE FOR ORE-needed for weapons.
           MAKE WEAPONS-you will need ore - see above.
                      ALTER TIME-see above.
             COLONISE-you will need a ship and crew!
            REASSIGN CITIZENS-fairly obvious really!
           CLOSE-UP-see your island in all it's glory!
 MAKE KNIGHT-useful when fighting. Oh yes-you'll have to fight!!
                INVENT-also useful when fighting!
                       SAVE GAME-obvious!
   ATTACK NEIGHBOURING ISLAND-army needed plus ship and crew!
                   DEFEND OWN ISLAND-obvious!
                     SURRENDER-I hope not!!!

  That's it for the ACTION icons - now for the STATUS icons...
                   FISH-check on fish caught.
                     CATTLE-check on cattle.
  FOOD-check on...oh, come on. Do I really have to run through
 all this. Click on the icons and see for yourself what happens.

 When you `own' an island your flag will appear over it, blowing
 gently in the breeze. If somebody else's flag appears, you have 

                      And now a few tips...

 Obtain regular reports from your look-outs. They are your eyes 
                            and ears!

     Keep your subjects fed - easy to forget but essential!

  Women and children once assigned can't be reassigned. And you
         need them for tree-felling and water carrying.

 Don't attack an Island without a very good army otherwise your
                   troops will certainly fail!

 Maintain the health of your citizens - otherwise you don't know
 what they'll pick up. Health improves with Apothecaries, plenty 
            of food and shelter, which means houses!

  Balance the skills of your citizens between food production,
   building/manufacturing skills and defence. Get it wrong and 
                          you'll lose!.

                    And that's basically it!

                         HOW TO PLAY...

     First and foremost you MUST set your citizens working!
        Particularly your fishermen, farmers and bakers.
 Bakers can only bake when they have corn and wheat and farmers
     can only farm when conditions are watch them
    Food is gathered and prepared automatically by the women
   and children. Water is also gathered by the women so don't 
    reduce the number of women too low or your citizens will
                         die of thirst!
     Women also cut trees and prepare the land so the above
                      applies here as well.

 When you have colonised or recaptured an island the VERY FIRST
    thing you MUST do is allocate your citizens jobs AND set
   them working! Otherwise, without instructions, they'll just
                 sit around and starve to death!

  When you capture an island or successfully defend your island 
     you will find that your pool of citizens has increased.
   This is your reward for your success and comprises captured 
               Vikings who will now work for you.
    You will also note that from time to time various people
  will wander into your settlement. These poor souls come from
   the ships that were wrecked in the storm that cast you onto
 your island. They have probably seen the smoke from your fires
                       and sought shelter.

   Keep the number of apothecaries fairly high because desease
 is rife and you need as many citizens as possible if you are to 

  All the rest is fairly obvious, so experiment - but remember
   to save your game positions first - and you can't go wrong!

                         AND FINALLY!!!
   Your citizens will, from time to time, hold elections with
    you as the only candidate. But don't think this will be a
    walk-over...they are simply voting to keep you as leader.
Lose the election and the game is over. Win and you can continue
   for another term. The health, peace and tranquility of your
  subjects is paramount here. A sickly bunch will vote you out
      while a happy populus will vote for you to continue.
 All islands that are yours will vote with the TOTAL vote being
 the deciding factor. So, in theory, you can lose on one island
  and still retain command by winning on another island with a
    bigger population. But don't rely too much on this rather
                        dubious approach!

        The motto is: Keep them happy and Keep control!!!
  (Perhaps today's Government might like to learn this lesson!)

 Any comments gratefully received, via the shop you bought this 
                      from. So, have fun!!!
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