Low res. Colour. D/S Disk. One Meg memory required.
Run Coarse Angler from a backup disk. Since the program writes the
hi-scores, records, etc. to disk, keep it write enabled. The game should
run O.K. from a hard drive partition.
On your running copy or HD you need the following folders and files:
GRAPHICS\ all files
PEGDATA\ all files
The easiest way is to copy the original using a disk copier and then
delete all unwanted files on the copy. Arrange the desktop to suit.
Also on the disk is a small anti-virus program (courtesy BOG) which
can be used to protect your floppy disks. Just run VFMBOOT.TOS
(in the EXTRAS folder) and follow the instructions.
Due to a bug in sprite unpacking routine, COARSE ANGLER will not run
on a machine with 2 or more megabytes of memory. In the EXTRAS folder is
a small program to limit memory size to 1 meg. Double click this first,
reset your computer, and all should be well.
Thanks to The Hitchhiker for the doc displayer.
Legal Bits:
Computer COARSE ANGLER may be distributed freely provided all files are
intact & original. In the (highly unlikely) event that any damage may
occur through use of this program, the author accepts no responsibility.
Copyright remains with V.F.M. Shareware.
Ted Moody 1993