Produced By Lee A.Briggs
This game is shareware. If you enjoy this game you must register
yourself as a user. To register send five pounds sterling to:
Lee Briggs at 33 Crina Walk, Basildon, Essex, SS14 1SW.
Cheques/postal orders should be made payable to Mr L.A.Briggs.
Registration will bring you the following
1. A copy of `Planetfall' another shareware game featuring very
fast solid 3D graphics. This game is currantly not available
from any public domain library. To obtain it you have to
register for `Combat' with me.
2. Playing tips for Combat including cheat modes.
3. Updates on all new games and revision on old ones.
4. Discounts on all new shareware games from me.
Combat features 3 levels of fast commercial quality arcade
action. Instructions for the game are included in it. All you
need to play is a mouse and a colour monitor(monochrome monitors
not supported)
The contents of this disk are copyright 1992 Lee Briggs, but may
be re-distributed under normal shareware rules. The contents of
this disk must be re-distributed intact with no modifications
made or files removed.
This disk should contain the following files
LOADER .PRG double click here to start things
This disk is auto-booting, just insert into drive, reset the
computer and it will do the rest itself.
If you have any comments you can write to me at the address
above and I will reply as soon as possible. When registering
please remember to enclose you name and address, I will dispatch
your copy of `Planetfall' normally within one week but please
allow at least 28 days.
Enjoy the game!