Stephen Taylor and Colin Whitehead
This game is shareware. To register
as a user, please send a cheque or
postal order for 5 pounds to the
address at the end of the
instructions. In return, I'll send
you a set of printed instructions,
and the source code (in GFA Basic)
with notes attached. In addition,
any further updates will be sent to
you free of charge. Any suggestions
for improvements will be gladly
received, and may even be
The object of Chain Reaction is to be
the only person left with atoms on
the board at the end of the game.
How do you do it? Dead easy....
When it's your turn, point the mouse
at a cell and click either button.
You can only play in an empty cell,
or a cell owned by you.
Each cell can only hold a certain
number of atoms before reaching
critical mass and exploding. This
depends on where the cell is. A
corner cell will explode with two
atoms in it, an edge cell will
explode with three atoms in it, and
all other cells explode with four
atoms in them. To aid your memory, a
warning sounds when you have placed
the maximum safe number of atoms in a
When a cell explodes, it fires an
atom into each cell next to it.
These cells are captured. If the
captured cells are now at critical
mass, they will explode as well.
This can lead to quite lengthy chain
The 3 buttons at the top of the
screen set the parameters of the
game. To increase a value, use the
left mouse button. To decrease it,
use the right mouse button.
1. The number of combatants,
including computer players.
This can be anything between 2
and 6.
2. The number of human players
taking part. This can be
between none and the total
number of players.
3. Time delay. This sets the
amount of thinking time that you
get before the screen is blanked
The 6 nameplates below this are for
typing in the human players' names.
Click on the colour you wish to use,
and type in your name (up to 10
characters). Escape clears the line
and backspace works as normal.
Return accepts the name. You can
only choose one of the colours
allocated to human combatants.
Chain Reaction is quite fussy as to
where it wants its files to be. They
must be in drive A, inside the folder
REACTION. There should be two files
and another folder here. The folder
is called SAMPLE and should contain
the samples used. The two files are
If enough people who register
complain about this fussiness, it
will be the first update.
Enjoy your nuclear holocaust!
Stephen Taylor
Top Left
11 Aberfeldy Street
G31 3NS