* *
* CATCHME - Is a public domain game written by Steve Pauley. *
* *
* It was written in OSS Pascal and makes use of some *
* VDI routines in ST TackleBox. *
* *
* This program includes 3 files: CATCHME.PRG, CATCHME.RSC & CATCHME.DOC *
* *
CATCHME is a game of TAG and your IT!
Yes you can end the game anytime you give up.
- HINT -
Rember the last time you had a dream and it felt like you were falling.
Just when you hit the bottom it was all over.
The dream that is.
Sometimes life is like a dream and a game like life.
Gee is that deep or what?
- End of HINT -
Oh by the way make sure you call the BBS I sysop for the MAST ( Minnesota
Atari ST ) group. It's up 24 Hrs a day at 300, 1200 and 2400 baud.
The BBS features an easy to use mail/message area and over 18MB of files
for down loading. Give us a call.
Thanks...and we appreciate your support!
* This BBS is for Atari ST owners and users only. We don't support 8 Bit Atari
The rest of this text is more info about the MAST BBS.
Now up and running
New Atari ST bulletin board.
This is a FREE public BBS system for all ST users.
I would like to invite all ST users to become members of the
new MAST BBS. The phone number is (612) 560-9254. The board
operates at 300/1200/2400 Baud, 24hrs per day. Every once in a
while I will may need to take the board down for an hour or two
for personal use.
Access to this board is open to ALL MAST member and the
general public. The phone service for the BBS is paid for by the
MAST group members thru dues and sales of DOM's. The BBS is being
run on an ST clone. Well sort of. Actually it's an Easy-Data PCXT,
Seagate 30MB hard drive, Incomm Turbo 2400 Baud modem and Collie
BBS software, all supplied by Steve Pauley. As a friend said,
"PC's don't make very good computers for anything except maybe
BBS's". This BBS went in service or on-line about May 1st.
The BBS features special interest file areas for uploads and
downloads. These areas include MAST Info, New Uploads, Desk
Accessories, Application & Productivity, ST BASIC source code, GFA
BASIC source code, Drawing Programs and Picture Utilities, Demos,
Doc. and Info. files, GEM stuff, Music, OSS Pascal source code,
Pictures, Utilities, Modula-2 source code, C source code, & Games.
I'm still adding new areas. I plan to keep 20MB+ of ST files for
downloading on the hard drive at all times. If there is an area
that you think you and other members could benefit from let me
know and I can add it to the list.
The BBS also has a very easy to use message base, where you
can talk to other BBS members. Sell some old computer equipment,
ask for help on a programming problem, spread some rumors or
anything else that has to do with getting more out of your ST.
You can leave leave private mail for another member or a public
message to all BBS members.
The main reason I chose to use the Collie BBS program, was
that it is easy to use and has a very natural menu structure.
There are help files for you to use but most of the options will
make sense the first time you use them.
At this point we have a small group ( about 100 ) of BBS
members, so you can help us grow if you will let other ST users
around the city and country know about this BBS and phone number.
I would like to see at least 300 members. The more people who
call this board, the more news, info and programs we will have to
share with each other.
So like the man says, "Pick up the phone . . . and give us a call.
Hope to see you on the BBS soon,
Sysop, Steve Pauley