Cadenza Bog

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Screenshots - Cadenza Bog

Cadenza Bog atari screenshot
Cadenza Bog atari screenshot
Cadenza Bog atari screenshot

Information - Cadenza Bog

GenreBrain - Hangman / Word GameYear1988
LanguageCompiled PascalPublisher[no publisher]
Players1DeveloperCadenza Software
ResolutionMedium / HighLicensed from-

Bergman-Terrell, Eric

Graphic Artist(s)


Game design

Bergman-Terrell, Eric

Box / InstructionsEnglish


LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
Sound FX


Cover Artist(s)ST TypeST, STe / 0.5MB
Dumpdownload atari Cadenza Bog DownloadNumber of Disks1 / Double-Sided

Additional Comments - Cadenza Bog

Other version with the same title:

[no publisher] (version 1.2) ().

Instructions - Cadenza Bog

            Cadenza Bog (version 1.5, June 18, 1988)

Hardware Requirements

This program should run on any Atari ST computer with a monochrome 
or color monitor.   This program runs on color monitors in  medium 
resolution only (please see the Bugs section below).

Distribution of this Program

Since  Cadenza  Bog is public domain,  you may  freely  distribute 
copies  of the program to other  users,  user  groups,  electronic 
bulletin boards, etc.

Playing the Game

Bog  is a word-finding game similar to the game  of  Boggle.   The 
game board is a 4 by 4 grid of letter cubes, for example:

| A | C | D | T |
| C | R | E | O |
| V | B | I | O |
| A | T | W | L |

The  player finds as many words as possible in  the  grid.   Words 
must be formed from adjacent cubes,  and no cube can be used  more 
than  once (a letter can be used more than once if it is  on  more 
than one cube).   A cube can have up to eight adjacent cubes:  one 
above,  one below,  one on the right,  one on the left,  and  four 
along the diagonals.

For example, in the above cube, the following words can be formed:

ABET (diagonally)
TOOL, etc.

In the above cube,  the word DEED cannot be formed,  because  that 
would  involve using the E cube twice.   Of course,  TOOL  can  be 
formed because it uses two different O letter cubes.

Running the Program

Bog uses a disk file named "bog_dict.txt".   This file must be  in 
the  same directory as Bog.   "bog_dict.txt" contains the list  of 
words that the computer looks for in the grid.   In this document, 
the "bog_dict.txt" file will be called the dictionary.

Bog can be run from a write-protected disk.

After  Bog  is started,  it first loads the dictionary  into  main 
memory.   After the file is loaded,  you can begin to play - bring 
the  mouse over to the Start/Stop menu,  and select the Start  New 
Game submenu.

At this point,  the letter grid will be drawn,  and you can  begin 
typing in the words that you find.   After you type in each  word, 
press  the RETURN  key.   When you've typed in all the words  that 
you can find,  select the QUIT box with the mouse.   Don't  select 
the QUIT box until you've pressed RETURN to enter the last word.

After you've quit, the computer will find as many words as it can.  
After these words have been listed,  you can play another game  by 
pressing the RETURN key,  or you can quit playing by pressing  the 
UNDO key.   When you're ready to quit the program, select the Quit 
Program submenu.

Typing in Your Words

As  you type in your words,  a word will be rejected if it is  too 
short  (less  than 3 characters in length),  or if  it  cannot  be 
legally formed, or if you've entered the same word previously.

You  can  edit the words as you type them in - the  backspace  and 
left and right arrow keys can be used.   To entirely erase a word, 
press the ESC key.

When  you enter a word that is not in the  computer's  dictionary, 
you will be asked if the word is a real word.   If you answer yes, 
the  word  will be added to the  computer's  dictionary,  and  the 
computer will be able to find the new word in later games.

Selecting the Letters for the Grid

Before each game,  the letters in the grid are selected  randomly, 
but  the probability that a given letter will be included  on  the 
grid  is proportional to the number of times that it is  found  in 
the dictionary file.  


If  you like this program,  please send $5.00 US to the  following 

Eric Bergman-Terrell
Cadenza Software, Ltd.
1450 West 116th Avenue, #21
Westminster, CO  80234

For  $10.00  + $2.00 postage you may order a disk  containing  the 
complete  source code for this program,  written in  OSS  Personal 
Pascal version 2.0.

You  may  write  to  the same  address  to  report  bugs,  request 
additional information,  suggest improvements in the program, etc.  
If  you want a reply,  please include return postage (2  IRCs  for 
those outside the U.S.A.).


Since this program was developed on a monochrome system, there may 
be some bugs when it is run on a color monitor.  There may be some 
problems using desk accessories while this program is running.


The computer only finds words of six characters or less.   You can 
type in words as long as eight characters.

The  dictionary has only about 2400 words.   If you have a  larger 
dictionary, you can use it instead:

1.   Make sure that the file contains words 1 per line, with each
     line ending with the LF (newline) character.

2.   Name  the  file  "bog_dict.txt"  and store  it  in  the  same 
     directory with this program.

If  you use Cadenza Software's SPELL spelling correction  program, 
you can use your "words.txt" file as a dictionary.

On 520ST computers,  if you use many desk accessories and/or large 
ramdisks,  the  program  may not have enough memory to  store  the 

Make  sure  that  you have enough room on the disk  to  allow  the 
dictionary file to grow.

Enjoy the program!

Trivia - Cadenza Bog

Supports ST High Resolution

Cadenza Bog Trivia Cadenza Bog Trivia
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