Breach II Leader Editor

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Screenshots - Breach II Leader Editor

Breach II Leader Editor atari screenshot

Information - Breach II Leader Editor

Language[unknown]Publisher[no publisher]
ControlsMouse, KeyboardDistributor-
ResolutionMedium / HighLicensed from

Las, Austin

Graphic Artist(s)


Game design


Box / InstructionsEnglish


LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
Sound FX


Cover Artist(s)ST TypeST, STe / 0.5MB
Dumpdownload atari Breach II Leader Editor Download / STNumber of Disks1 / Single Sided

Instructions - Breach II Leader Editor

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                         Leader Editor Program


                               Austin Las

                    -----  The Story Thus Far -----

     Drops of water spatter off your head. The oppressive, hot air 
threatens to clog your lungs.  With every step, your feet get 
drawn into the sickly mud on the jungle floor.  The weird sucking 
sound it makes when walk could easily end your life if the enemy 
is within hearing distance.
     Ahead in the distance you think you see a glint of sun off 
metal.  Cautiously you make your way forward until you see a 
clearing.  In this oasis of dry land you see your target: the 
enemy radar post that will severly cripple any FWSF air-based 

     So far so good.  You haven't been spotted and your 
destination is only a few hundred feet from becoming a new pile of 
rubble.  Luck is with you.  The UDP forces are milling around the 
front of the building in a close knot.  One hit with a rocket and 
you could clean out a large chunk of UDP's forces on this planet 
and get rid of the radar post!  If only... if only...
     If only you had enough movement points to launch off a 
rocket!  Yes friends, how many times have you wandered off too far 
and have come up against a group of enemies without enough 
movement points to fire or even to run away?  Have you ever wished 
that your squadron leader would stop missing huge behemoth 
monsters from five feet away?  Ever wish you could use the 
Detector without your troops snickering at you while you randomly 
press buttons?

     Well wish no more!  Now, with the BREACH 2 LEADER EDITOR 
PROGRAM you can customize your leader to run faster than Jesse 
Owens, to be a better shot than the Terminator, or be an electronics 
wizard or even lug more junk around than a mule!

     I can hear you all saying: "Gosh, that sounds really keen.  
But how can I, a lowly ensign, have the ability to do all these 
neat and wonderful things?"
     Just double-click on the file BR2_LEP.PRG and the power will 
be at your fingertips!  

     When you run BR2_LEP it will look for a configuration file.  
If this file isn't found (it should be kept in the same directory 
as BR2_LEP), a new one will be created.  All it contains is  the 
path where you keep Breach II so you won't have to go looking for 
it every time you run the program.

     After reading or creating the configuration file, BR2_LEP 
will ask you to select a Breach II leader file.  There, that was 
simple wasn't it?

     When you select which leader to modify you will be presented 
with the rather ugly VT-52 work screen.  The commands are listed 
at the top of the screen so you should never become completely 

     Changing the values of your leader is simple.  Merely use the 
arrow keys to position the cursor to the value you want to change 
and press RETURN.  The value will turn red and you can edit or 
change it to whatever you wish (although whether Breach II will 
accept this value or not is something you'll have to experiment 
with).  When you're done editing/changing press RETURN again and 
the new value will show up in black letters.  Change things to 
your liking and when you're ready press "S" to save the file, "L" 
to load in another leader (also aborting any changes made in 
the previous leader), "Q" or "ESC" to quit the program (also 
aborting any changes).  *Bam*  You're done.  Load up Breach II and 
go nuts with your new character.

     There is nothing in this program that will format your floppy 
or your hard drive nor is there any code within that will delete 
any files or scramble the directory or FAT sectors.  The only data 
that this program will overwrite is what you select to save the 
B2L file as.   Therefore, if any damage comes to your media, data, 
or mechanisms it is not my fault.  Use at your own risk.
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