Box Car

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Screenshots - Box Car

Box Car atari screenshot
Box Car atari screenshot
Box Car atari screenshot
Box Car atari screenshot
Box Car atari screenshot
Box Car atari screenshot
Box Car atari screenshot

Information - Box Car

GenreShoot'em Up! - 3-DYear1993
LanguageSTOS BASICPublisher[no publisher]
Players1 vs. 2Developer[n/a]
ResolutionLowLicensed from

Quezada, Robert

Graphic Artist(s)SoftwareEnglish
Game designBox / InstructionsEnglish
Musician(s)LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
Sound FXSerial
Cover Artist(s)ST TypeST, STe / 1MB
Dumpdownload atari Box Car Download / MSANumber of Disks1 / Double-Sided

Instructions - Box Car

by Robert Quezada
Release date:
  June 1, 1993

                          OBJECT OF THE GAME
    The  rules  to  the  game  are  very  simple.   You must battle an
opponent  on  another ST, by linking with either a null modem cable or
by  calling  on  the  modem.   The object of the game is to just drive
around  the  playing field and to shoot your opponent until one of you
is destroyed.

    All that your Boxcar is equipped with is a missile and the ability
to  tap  into 10 different camera angles.  You must use skill and luck
to  your  advantage  in  order  to outwit your opponent.  The field is
virtually  open  space,  except  for  10  "blockers" that you can hide
behind and the four walls that border the war zone.

                            OPENING SCREEN

    There are five options available on the opening screen:

    This  starts  the  game  with  you  as  the  master  controller if
connected by null modem.  USE THIS ONLY TO PLAY A GAME BY NULL MODEM.

    If connected with a null modem cable, this will start the game for
you when your opponent is ready.  USE THIS ONLY TO PLAY A GAME BY NULL

    This brings up the large dialer interface which allows you to dial
your modem and set the default baud rate.  (See Dialer)

    By  selecting  this option, you will play a game with a stationary
opponent  that  will  not  fire  on  you.   This  was  mainly used for
debugging  and other types of testing and development work, but I kept
it  in so that if you want to practice or if you don't have someone to
play with, you can still enjoy the game.

    This one exits the game and returns you to the desktop.


    This  dialer  has  many features that make the connection by modem
much easier for you.  You can store up to 11 numbers on disk up to any
length  (only the amount that your modem can handle), in case you have
to  use  any  type  of  long  distance services, (such as Sprint, MCI,

                            Stored numbers
    By  clicking  on  the position with the left button, you will load
the  number from that position into the current number, so that it can
be dialed.
    If  you  click  on  it  with  the  right button, it will store the
current  number  into that position and will prompt you for a name for
the  number,  so  that  it  makes it easier to remember which position
belongs to which person.

                            Current number
    This  window  stores  the  current  number  being dialed.  The two
arrows  on  top  of  the window allow you to scroll the number left or
right in case the number is longer than the width of the display.

    You  can enter a number to dial by either using the keyboard or by
clicking on the number with the mouse.
    The  left  arrow on the bottom row is a back space button and will
erase the digit or character in the last position.
    The  comma  is a 2 second pause (can be used if you have to dial 9
before dialing the number, for example: 9,5551212).
    The  button  labeled  "W" causes the modem to wait for a secondary
tone  before  dialing  the rest of the number. (can be useful for long
distance services) Check your modem manual for more information.
    Tone  and Pulse will dial the number for you in either a tone or a
pulse mode, depending on whichever button you select.
    By  clicking on the BPS button, you can change the bps rate to the
rate  of  the  modem  so that the modem will receive your commands and
understand them.
    The answer button sets the modem into auto-answer mode.
    The menu button returns you the main menu and saves all the stored
numbers  and  the  current  bps rate onto the current directory of the
current disk.

                              GAME PLAY

    When  the game starts, you will see that there are two life meters
at  the  bottom.  One is labeled "1UP" and the other is labeled "2UP".
The  1UP  one  is  your meter, regardless if you are the Master or the
Slave.  The 2UP one is your opponent's meter.
    The  game  begins  with  both Boxcars pointed towards each other.
From   that  point  on,  it's  everyone  for  themselves.   Your  only
protection  is  the  ten  "pyramid-shaped"  blockers that you can hide
    Operating  the  Boxcar  is  very  easy.   The car will always move
forward  at  a  steady  pace  if  the  joystick is not moved.  To move
forward  at  twice  the normal speed, move up.  To move backward, move
down.   To turn to the left or right, move the joystick either left or
right.  Firing is done by hitting the fire button.
    The car is only be equipped with one missile at a time.  After you
fire  the  missile, you must wait until the missile either hits one of
the  blockers,  one of the walls, or your opponent.  Once a missile is
fired,  it takes approximately 4 seconds to reload, including the time
from  when  the  one  before was shot.  This is to avoid your opponent
from  constantly  shooting  you  after  you have been hit and give you
enough time to get away if you are hit.
    Above the life meters, there are 10 boxes each labeled with one of
the  10  camera views.  They are activated by hitting the function key
that  coresponds to the button.  (the fifth is selected by hitting the
F5 key and the tenth is selected by hitting the F10 key, and so on...)
The  current  view's  box is lit up, showing you what the current view
is.  These views can be changed at any time you want.

                            CAMERA ANGLES

    There  are  ten  different  camera  angles  that both you and your
opponent share:

    This  shows  what  you  would  see in front of you, including your
"Cross-hair"  so  that  you  can see if your shot is positioned toward
your opponent.

    This angle is the view from the left side of your car.

    This  one is the view from behind your car.  You can use it to see
if  your  opponent is following behind you or is trying to hide behind
something behind you.

    This angle lets you see what is to the right of you.

    By using this, you tap into the aerial camera, allowing you to see
the whole playing field from a distance of 20,000 ft.  You can zoom in
and out by using the up and down arrows on the keyboard.

                               CAMERA 1
    This  camera  is located and hidden on one of the boundary walls.
It centers itself on you and zooms in on you throughout the game.

                               CAMERA 2
    Just like CAMERA 1, but it centers itself on your opponent.

                                SHOT 1
    If  you  need  to  see  the path of your shot and see how close it
comes  to  your  target,  this is the one to use.  It zooms in on your
shot and returns to the view of you when the shot is over or when your
car has the missile ready to fire.

                                SHOT 2
    This  view  is  similiar to SHOT 1, but it zooms on your opponents
shot instead.

    It  allows  you to spy on your opponent's front camera, so you can
see if (s)he sees you and has a clear shot on you.

                         PROGRAM INFORMATION


    When running this program, make sure that the current drive is not
write protected and has at least 1k bytes free.  The program writes to
disk  after using the dialer when changes have been made and sometimes
at the beginning of the program.

    This  game  was  written  in  STOS  using  the STOS 3D extension.
Addresses  for  all  TOS  versions  from  1.0  to 3.06 are in the STOS
address table, so the game will work on all ST(e)'s and TT's.
    Every  sound  in  this game is digitized, including the continuous
engine noise.
    I  have  also  included  my  STOS  fixer program, just in case the
program does not work on your system or if you have a Falcon.  Since I
haven't  gotten my Falcon at the time I am writing this, I am not sure
if  the STOS fixer program works on it, or if the BOXCAR.PRG file will
work on it after the STOS fix program has fixed it.
    According  to  the  author  the program that inserted those values
into the table, TOS 3.05 values are in the table, but they are not the
correct ones.
    If  any of the users out there have a Falcon or have TOS 3.05, run
the  STOS  fix  program, and save the results to the default file, can
one  of  you  send  me  mail  to (R.QUEZADA) on GEnie  and give me the
information  in  the default file, so I can fix any future programs to
work on the Falcon.

                              READ THIS
    This  program  is  shareware.   A  lot  of work and time went into
creating and designing this program.  By supporting shareware, you get
a  good  program  for  a  low  price.   You  may copy this program and
distribute it freely, in fact I would appreciate it if you would.  All
I  ask  is  that  you  are  honest enough to honor that the program is
shareware by sending $5 (U.S. currency only) to:

    Robert Quezada
    301 Stillwells Corner Road
    Freehold, NJ 07728

    If  this  game is to be sent to any other computer network, it has
to be sent in its original compressed file.

                         RELEASE INFORMATION

Version 1.0
  June 1, 1993
    First release of program.
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