Written by Terry King in GFA Basic 3.5
with the Sprite Works Development Kit
This game is Freeware
Bombs away is a game based on the popular Dynablaster type game as seen in the
arcades and originally based on a game called 'Eric and the Floaters' by Hudson
Soft on the Spectrum (remember that ?).
The aim of the game is to find the exit which is hidden behind one of the walls.
Weak walls (with brickwork pattern) can be destroyed by placing a bomb right
next to them. To start with your player can only place one bomb at a time, but
each level has three extra bomb pickups allowing you to place more than one bomb
at any time. Once you have placed a bomb with the fire button the bomb will
explode in a few seconds, so better get out of the bombs path or you may end up
plastered all over the walls !
There is something behind every wall, but it's not always worth collecting.
Occasionally you may find a mystery pickup, this may give you quite a healthy
10000 point bonus or it may reverse you controls for ten seconds or cause
automatic bomb laying for ten seconds. Other pickups include extra bombs, booby
trap bombs, increase/decrease power and various sweet bonuses. The increase and
decrease power affect the size of the explosion, so be careful that they are not
too powerful or you may get caught in the explosion as you run away.
As you progress through the levels you will find an increasing number of enemy
which although don't place any bombs do kill you on contact. A large number of
points are deducted if you reach the exit and still have walls or enemy left, so
you will need to clear the level as much as possible before entering the exit
for the best score.
Freeware ?
Freeware means that you are free to copy this program like PD, but unlike PD the
copyright belongs to the author and pinching code or graphics would be very
Enjoy !
Terry King / Ninth Wave Software 1995
This game was written purely in GFA Basic v3.5 with the Sprite Works
development kit. The kit comprises of over 111 machine code commands for use in
your own programs, covering every aspect of programming. The kit also contains
an art package geared towards sprite design, two map designers and a sample
editor. But Sprite Works isn't just for GFA users, assembly users will also find
it invaluable as all the routines are included in full documented sources.
There are far too many commands to list here, but they are extremely powerful
and will push GFA to greater than anything that STOS plus all of its available
extension kits could achieve.
Sprite Works costs just œ7.00 and is available from all good PD libraries or
direct from the author.
To find out more please write to :
Terry King,
Ninth Wave Software,
172 Spencers Croft,
CM18 6JR