Bomb Jack [Falcon030]

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Screenshots - Bomb Jack [Falcon030]

Bomb Jack [Falcon030] atari screenshot
Bomb Jack [Falcon030] atari screenshot
Bomb Jack [Falcon030] atari screenshot
Bomb Jack [Falcon030] atari screenshot
Bomb Jack [Falcon030] atari screenshot
Bomb Jack [Falcon030] atari screenshot
Bomb Jack [Falcon030] atari screenshot

Information - Bomb Jack [Falcon030]

GenreArcade - Platformer (Single Screen)Year1997
LanguageMachine LanguagePublisher[no publisher]
ControlsJagpad, KeyboardDistributor
Players1DeveloperReservoir Gods
ResolutionRGBLicensed from-

O'Reilly, Leon [Mr. Pink]

CountryUnited Kingdom
Graphic Artist(s)

Dempsey, Kevin [SH3-RG / Sparehead 3]

Game design


Box / InstructionsEnglish

Grant, Malcolm [MSG]

LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
Sound FX


Cover Artist(s)ST TypeFalcon030 / 4MB
Dumpdownload atari Bomb Jack [Falcon030] Download / Zip-packed folderNumber of Disks? / ?

Instructions - Bomb Jack [Falcon030]

   _____   ____    ____      ____     _____   __  ___     _____      ____ _____
  //  _ \ //   \  //   \    //   \   //  _ \ // \ \\ \   //  _ \    //  ///  _ \
 //  / \///  / \//  /\/   //  / \ //  / \///  /  \\ \ //  /\\ \  //  ///  / \/
//  /   //   ¹¹ /\\  ¹¹¹¹\//   ¹¹ ///  /   //  /   // ///  /  \\ \//  ///  /
\\  \   \\  \¹¹¹  ¹¹¹¹// /\\  \¹¹¹ \\  \   \\  \  // / \\  \  // /\\  \\\  \
 \\  \   \\  \//\//¹\// /  \\  \//\ \\  \   \\  \// /   \\  \// /  \\  \\\  \
  \\  \   \\  ¹ /\\  ¹ /    \\  ¹ /  \\  \   \\  ¹ /     \\  ¹ /    \\  \\\  \
   \\  >   \\  /  \\  /      \\  /    \\  >   \\  /       \\  /      \\  >\\  >
    \\/     \\/    \\/        \\/      \\/     \\/         \\/        \\/  \\/
     ¹       ¹      ¹          ¹        ¹       ¹           ¹          ¹    ¹
                   _____       _____        ___       _____
                  //  _ \     //  _ \       \\ \     //  _ \
                 //  /\\/    //  /\\ \       \\ \   //  /\\/
                //  / _____ //  /  \\ \  //¹¹¹¹  \  \\  ¹¹¹¹\
                \\  \ \\   \\\  \   \\ \//  /¹¹\\ \  ¹¹¹¹¹\\ \
                 \\  \ ¹// / \\  \  // /\\  \   \\ \//¹\  // / 
                  \\  \// /   \\  \// /  \\  \  // /\\  \// /
                   \\  ¹ /     \\  ¹ /    \\  ¹¹¹ /  \\  ¹ /
                    \\  /       \\  /      \\    /    \\  /
                     \\/         \\/        \\__/      \\/
                      ¹           ¹          ¹¹¹        ¹

   ________     _____           __         ___          _____      ___  __
  /    ___/    /     \          \ \       /   \        /     \    /  /  \ \
 /    / __    /    /\ \    ______\ \     /  /\ \__    /    /\ \  /  /____\ \
/    / /  \  /    /  \ \  /         \   /   ¹¹    \  /    /  \ \ \          \
\    \ \__ \ \    \   \ \ \     ____ \  \     ____ \ \    \   \ \ \_________ \
 \    \   \ \ \    \   \ \ \    \   \ \  \    \   \ \ \    \   \ \          \ \
  \    \  /  \ \    \  /  \ \    \  /  \  \    \  /  \ \    \  /  \  _____  /  \
   \    \/   /  \    \/   /  \    \/   /   \    \/   /  \    \/   /  \    \/   /
    \       /    \       /    \       /     \       /    \       /    \       /
     \     /      \     /      \     /       \     /      \     /      \     /
      \   /        \   /        \   /         \   /        \   /        \   /
       \_/          \_/          \_/           \_/          \_/          \_/

                                    GOD  BOY

                                   RELEASE  2


                            NINTARI GAMEBOY EMULATOR

- HISTORY ----------------------------------------------------------------------

In 1990 three hand held consoles were released.
There was the Atari Lynx - 4096 colours, sprite scaling and rotation
stereo sound and even a left handed mode. It rocked.
Sega created their "GameGear". Crap name. Basically just a Master
System in a smaller box. Not very exciting.
The third machine was the infamous Nintendo gameboy. Its mono graphics
and 8x8 sprites looked weak in comparison with the opposition.
And guess which one sold the most?

In 1997 the Reservoir Gods were working on a new game to follow up
their previous smash hit releases.
Whist searching the internet for information on this new game, they
inadvertedly came across documentation for a Nintendo Gameboy emulator.
Cogs wheeled slowly in their tiny brains and light bulb popped up:
"Why don't we do this on the Falcon ?"

The Siliconvention - Bremen, Germany, Easter 1997. God-Boy was taking shape, 
although there was not much for an inquisitive public to see as the video
routines hadn't been completed.
Agent T's flat, Hamburg, two days later. God-Boy finally ran its first
game, ironically enough it was "Bubble Bobble" a game the Gods had brought
to Atari screens two years earlier.

The Atari Show, Birmingham, April 1997. A preview release of God-Boy
was shown with a fully playable version of "Bubble Bobble". It was
almost ready, The public held their breath.

MSG's palace, Bolton, May 1997. The finishing touches to "Bubble Bobble"
were made. Scores of nice samples were included. It did, in a very real
sense, rock.

The same location, three weeks later. The second release for God-Boy, 
"BombJack" was completed. It was, in a very real sense, the bomb.

- IMPORTANT --------------------------------------------------------------------

God-Boy is specially designed just to run the included game.
You cannot load other gameboy files into God-Boy!

We will be releasing other gameboy games, but only after we have composed
tracker music for them, created hordes of sampled sound effects and bolted a
nice trainer mode on the front end.

So just sit back and enjoy "BombJack". And in the fullness of time another
GodBoy release will pop out onto the earth. Like a little lamb in spring.

- LOADING ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Use your mouse implement to click twice on "GOD_BOY.TOS".
Make sure the file "BOMBJACK.GB" is in the same directory.
Via the magic of GEM, the program will now load.

- FRONT-END --------------------------------------------------------------------

The front end of God-Boy includes a series of options for controlling
the emulator. The menu is controlled with cursor keys and space.


Begins the game. No, really.


Prints up the usual guff.


Allows you to cheat quite blatantly.
Use arrow keys to move between options and space to toggle them
on and off. 

() Infinite Lives

   This gives you a not inconsiderable number of lives.

() Invulnerability

   This prevents unwanted deaths from contacts with baddies.

() Fly Through Platforms

   This allows BombJack to fly through platforms from underneath.
   He can still land on them from above as normal.

() Select Start Level

   Use left and right arrow keys to changed the level.
   If you hold down  whilst doing this, the level will move
   in steps of ten.


DSP TRACKER - turning this off will completely disable the DSP tracker,
useful if you have some crazy sped up falcon which doesn't like DSP
stuff. You may also notice some small speed increase with the emulator.

The Music and Sound Effects can also be toggled on and off.
You may notice a small difference with your ears.
If the DSP TRACKER is off, these options have no effect.

The control method can be toggled between Keys and a Jaguar Powerpad
plugged into port a.
Keys used:

CURSOR UP.....(When pressed with ALTERNATE) Hign jump
CURSOR DOWN...Fall faster
HELP..........Start Button 


Directions and Fire A as on the gameboy.

PAUSE.........Start Button

- PLAYING ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Once the main title screen has appeared and the text has typed itself on
you can control the bomb cursor with up and down.

Pressing your Start key selects the current option

During the game, left and right will cause Jack to walk in the requested
direction. If you are polite.

Pressing Button A ( on keys,  on JagPad) will cause Jack
to defy Newton's laws and fly from the ground.

To do an extra big super jump, first press up then press button A.

Collect all the bombs on a level to progress to the next one.
It's just like pacman, but with gravity. And bombs.

There is a special order to collect the bombs on each level.

The more bombs you collect in the correct order, the higher points bonus you
will get at the end of the level.

If the bomb you collect is the right one in the sequence, you will here a 
satisfied "ooooh!" sample.

When you lose all your lives, you will go to the Game Over screen, as the game
is effectively now over. But is it?

Press  when you see the "Game Over" logo and you will be taken to the
continue screen. Here you have 5 seconds to comply - press start and you will
go back to the game. Idly twiddling with your thumbs and being slack will cause
this chance to slip from your grasp and the time will run out.

Press  again to return to the main menu.

If you do manage to complete the game you will no doubt be overwhelmed by the 
programmers' visual extravangza that has been lovingly created for your

- SCREEN SHOTS -----------------------------------------------------------------

If you press F9 during the game then the current screen will be saved into the
current directory under the filename "GBSCREEN.PI1".
This is a standard 32034 byte degas file.

- DEBUGGING --------------------------------------------------------------------

We have created a full Gameboy debugger for God-Boy.
"Mon-GB" allows you to trace through the Z80 code, set breakpoints and alter
memory in exactly the same way as MON-ST on the Atari.
This is an additional extra which is not included with this release, but if you
are a coder or a hacker who fancies messing around with gameboy games, adding
trainer modes etc. then drop us a line and we will send you Mon-GB.

- CREDITS ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Coding      Mr. Pink
Graphics    sh3
Music       MSG
DSP Tracker TAT

All code was written in 100% 68030 assembly language.
If there is a lot of demand I may do an ST port, probably
STE only as the Blitter is used quite heavily.

- THANKS -----------------------------------------------------------------------

For all the gameboy documention, additional info and general help:

Marcel De Kogel, Marat Fayzullin, Jens.

Big thanks for supplying gameboy related files to:

Daniel Hedberg, Antonio Lillo, Reine Larsson, Daryl Harkin,
and Phil Cann.

Thanks also to:

Tat - for moral support and the DSP replay.
MSG - for playtesting.
Flinny - for laughing at the early version of God-Boy.

- GREETS -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Absence. Aggression. Avena. Black Scorpion Software. Chaos Engine. Cream. 
Cobra. Dead Hackers Society. Escape. EKO. EXA. Fun. Impulse. Inter. Lazer. 
Maggie Team. Misfits. MJJ Productions. New Beat Development. Pandemonium. 
RDT. Scarface. Senior Dads. Shadows. Therapy. TNB. Tool 8. Toons. Toxic.
Toys. TSCC.

Special Greets to: Kerry Willcox

- CONTACT US -------------------------------------------------------------------

Write to:

Leon O'Reilly
Cwm Isaf
SY15 6JL

E-Mail:		( Mr. Pink )		( MSG )


- FUTURE -----------------------------------------------------------------------

We will be releasing more Gameboy games for God-Boy.
There aren't going to be bunged out production line style like on the nasty PC.
We put care and attention into the releases and they will feature nice music
and stereo samples and good colours.

If you have any bug reports or additional features you would like to see added
to God-Boy, please get in touch.

- LEGAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------

God-Boy is freeware.
Please copy it everywhere.

But don't forget, if you don't own a gameboy and the cartridges, then please
laugh long and hard at Nintendo as you blatantly rip them off.

If Nintendo do go bankrupt because of God-Boy, we will be kind enough to set
up a special Nintendo charity featuring bring-and-buy jumble sales and 
coffee mornings. When you see the Nintendo employees on the street flogging
copies of the big issue, you know who to blame.

We are now officially bonkers (2).

See you next time.

------------------------------------------------------ (c) 1997 Reservoir Gods -

Trivia - Bomb Jack [Falcon030]

Based on Tehkan 1984 coin-op.

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