Arcade Fun for the Atari Falcon030
Hardware requirements:
VGA monitor
ST-compatible joystick (not enhanced joystick)
hard disk recommended
headphones or amplified speakers recommended
I was tired of waiting for someone to come out with free game
software for the Falcon, so I took a stab at it myself. BLACK HOLE
is arcade-style entertainment that takes advantage of the 030's
superb graphics and sound. The program runs on a VGA monitor in
256-color 640 X 480 mode, and features over one megabyte of high-
quality music and sound effects samples.
The folder named HOLEDATA must be in the same directory as
BLACKHOL.PRG. Since the folder contains 1.3 megabytes of support
data, I recommend running BLACK HOLE from a hard disk in order to
reduce start-up time. The object of the game is to find the two
coins hidden on each level. Various items appear as you travel
across the screen. Move the cursor over them to increase your
score and playing time, but watch out: the higher your level is,
the shorter the Time Bomb fuses become. Press the joystick button
to escape the current level if you think you're about to blow up.
If you complete eight levels you win the game. Press the Falcon's
HELP key for more information.
This version of BLACK HOLE uses 8-bit monaural audio samples in
order to keep the archive file to a reasonable size. My personal
version uses stereo 8-bit samples which I would be happy to
provide to anyone who is interested (the program is already
equipped to read both mono or stereo samples). Leave me Email if
you want more information.
BLACK HOLE is public domain freeware. Give it away and pass it
around. The Falcon needs all the help it can get.
David Snow
CIS: 72137,2660