Bio Hazzard V1.0
Registered Version
for Atari ST/STE/TT
Auto Boots
Copyright L.J.Greenhalgh. 1993
Hard Drive / Ram Disc installable
Can be run from replacement desktops like Neodesk
This disc is not copy protected
Please don't spread this program!
When loading the screen will go black
for a couple of minutes.Don't panic!
Much of this documentation is similar to the demo version but there
are subtle differences , in particular some of the obejcts
characteristics have been changed.
Computers Log: Imperial Transporter Equadus Star Date 2078
Mission: Return Unspecified Xenomorph Cargo to Company
Laboritories for evaluation.
Crew: 150 synthetic cyborg operatives , commonly
known as 'borgs'.Titanium alloy outer shell
provides substantial protection to adverse
climatic conditions.
Message is as follows:
2100 A massive radiation leak has occured
on deck 4.Xenomorph containment vessels ruptered
,infestation imminent.Despatching security team to
investigate extent of damage.
2300 Contact lost with security team.
2400 Preparing to bring remaining operatives out
of hypersleep.Suggest Vessel is set to self
destruct to prevent Xenomorphs from falling
into enemy hands.
Destruct procedure
Place 4 plutonium fuel rods into appropriate
receptors.You then have approximately 2 minutes
to board shuttle craft before thermo nuclear
implosion occurs.Shuttle craft is located on
level 1.
The screen is divided into 6 main zones.
| | |
| 01 | 06 |
| | |
| | |
| 02 | 03 |04 | 05 |
01 Viewscreen in fist person perspective
/shows objects in backpack.
02 Shows the Object currently held in your left hand.
03 Shows the Object currently held in your right hand.
04 Divided into five 'sliders'.
S - Stamina.
R - Radiation received.
I - Impregnation state.
C - Count Down timer.
L - Current radiation level.
05 The map if activated.
06 Control panel.Just click on the action you want
with the left mouse button.
Keyboard Shortcut
+--+ 01 Move forward [Up cursorkey]
|01| 02 Turn Left [Left cursor key]
+--+--+--+ 03 Fire weapon/Throw Grenade/Hit Alien [Space bar]
|02|03|04| 04 Turn Right [Right cursor key]
+--+--+--+ 05 Move left
|05|06|07| 06 Open Doors/Dispensor [Return]
+--+--+--+--+ 07 Move Right
|08|09|10|11| 08 Pick up Object [P]
+--+--+--+--+ 09 Put Down Object [D]
|12|13|14|15| 10 Load Weapon/Insert Battery. [L]
+--+--+--+--+ 11 Recruit character [R]
12 Go up ladder/go in teleporter [Delete]
13 Go down ladder/go in teleporter [Hash]
14 Swap between Back pack/View screen
15 Use syringe/read disc
Other Keydoard Short Cuts
[Q] Quit
[insert] Select left hand
[clr home] select right hand
In the map area are load/save position icons.Make sure the disc is
write enabled.
Next to the picture of your current character are 4 miniture pictures
of the other members of your team .Click on with the left mouse button
to switch control to another team member.If you click on a miniture
face with the right mouse button then that member will fire their
currently selected weapon.Note the currently selected member is
assumed to be at the front of the party and hence takes any damage
from alien attacks , explosions etc.
Once you hands are full ,objects picked up will go into your backpack.
Loading a weapon will take the first suitable magazine from your
back pack and insert it into the currently selected weapon.You
will have to discover for yourself which magazines fit in which guns !
Note don't fire the heavy weapons at point blank range , or you will
suffer damage in the explosion.
Some doors cannot be opened unless you are holding a specific key card
and it is selected.
Some doors cannot be opened until certain pressure sensors in the
floor are activated.Pressure sensors can also make walls
dissappear/reappear.These walls will not show up on the map.
To select an object from you back pack click on button (14), you
should now see all the objects carried in your backpack.Now click on
the object held in your hand , then click on the object in your
backpack that you wish to swap and the two will be swapped .Now
click on button (14) to return to the view screen.Note that you
cannot use this method for switching objects between team members.You
must drop the object from one member and pick it up with another.
Dispensors are the brown panels on some of the walls and
contain useful objects , characters, repair terminals
and fuel rod receptors.Note that you cannot turn away from
them until they are closed.
Note some objects need batterys loaded into them before they work.
Note guns can jam! repair terminals unjam them.
List of currently avaliable objects
Pistol,Pistol ammunition,Machine gun,Machine gun ammunition.
Rocket Launcher,Rockets,Lazer Rifle,Lazer Rifle Ammunition.
Shot Gun,Shot Gun ammo,Dagger,Axe,Spanner,Chainsaw,Hand Grenade Mk I
Hand Grenade , Mk II,Mine Mk I,Mine Mk II,Medical Syringes,
Key cards,computer discs,Motion Scanner,Map,Battery,Fuel Rods.
If you have any difficulties running the program then please return
the disc together with problem description and which ST
configouration you have ie memory,TOS version etc to :-
L.J Greenhalgh,
24 Park Avenue,
Rudloe Manor,
You will receive a fresh copy of the program if the disc is corrupted.
If you have found a bug then you will receive a fixed version as soon
as possible.
Thanks to :-
The Bath University X-Tank Posse
Paul , Tom , Chris , Jonnie ,Steven.
Bob Weiner , Atari Archive University of Michagan USA.
Those friendly people at L.A.P.D and Floppyshop.
All the internet trn people for there
helpful comments.
The future ,
If you have a 2meg or greater St/Ste and would be
intrested in a version specifically for these machines , then drop me
a line indicating your interest.I could easily add loads more samples
,only 1 disc access , more graphics etc.The cost would be 2.00 pounds
for an upgrade if enough people were interested.
Source code,
Again if enough people were interested I could make the
Stos source code avaliable for a small price . This would include
all the uncompressed graphics and sounds files together with numerous
utility programs including a rather splendid Map editor.
Coming to an St near you
Bio Hazzard II
See you on the Falcon 030 (perhaps).......