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Comments (3)
BoNuS - 14/05/2023
There aren't any levels, as long as you can keep making combinations it will continue :) it will go on and on. Goal is the highest score.
Maybe in the future different game modes, but for now this is it...
Sut1978 - 18/03/2023
Really addictive this game, anyone any idea how many levels there are ?
BoNuS - 24/09/2016
The .MSA file in the download is the STE/TT version. The BEGEMEDF is the Falcon version.
They can be installed on HD :)

Screenshots - BeGEMeD

BeGEMeD atari screenshot
BeGEMeD atari screenshot
BeGEMeD atari screenshot
BeGEMeD atari screenshot
BeGEMeD atari screenshot

Information - BeGEMeD

GenreBrain - Logical / PuzzleYear2015
LanguageMachine LanguagePublisher[no publisher]
Players1DeveloperBonus Software
ResolutionLow / VGA / RGBLicensed from-

De Vries, Alexander [BoNuS]

Graphic Artist(s)

Hericks, Daniel / Carnivac

Game design


Box / InstructionsEnglish

Stempell, Mathieu [DMA-SC]

LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
Sound FX

De Vries, Alexander [BoNuS]

Cover Artist(s)ST TypeSTe Only, TT, Falcon030 / 1MB
Dumpdownload atari BeGEMeD Download / MSANumber of Disks1 / Double-Sided / HD Installable

Additional Comments - BeGEMeD

Other version with the same title:

[no publisher] (version 0.8 [Beta]) ().

Download includes both ST and Falcon versions.

Instructions - BeGEMeD

Hi everybody, 

Nice of you to visit this text, it will give you all the basic 
information you need to know to get started. Don’t worry it's
easy so you will get the hang of it very soon !! 
History and gameplay:

We are visiting Jack Bright, the castle lord of a medieval castle.
He already lives there for a lot of years and the castle needs
some work. But his cash flow is a little bit on the down side so
to earn some cash he has to swap gems for it.

He has lots of them hidden in his castle but it is a real mess.
They are just piled on top of each other in no order at all.To swap
them for cash he has to sort them out ! But he can only do so if 
he has 3 or more of the same collected. 

How does he do that? Well simple, just align 3 or more gems
horizontal or vertical. For every successful swap he earns those
coins. Click the gem you van to swap with one of its neighbors
and then choose the one you want to swap. Or even better just 
drag it over the other one by holding the mouse button,
it both works...

As the coin meter reaches the top you have earned enough cash to
go to the next level. Aim of the game is to reach the biggest high
score of course.  You see, I told you so, this is an easy game to
learn and to do just make sure to make combinations that also leave
the next one to make or else No More Moves is all you get…

Exiting the game:Just click the little cross in the upper left corner

Technical data:

Very cool 16 color in game GFX made by Carnivac, 
YM music by DMA (there are more, just not in this version ;) 
SNDH replay routine GWEM (thanks for the help with the samples/music)
Title picture Daniel Herick (thanks man !)
Coding, samples and overall project by BoNuS

Hardware needed:

There are 2 versions of the game

Version falcon 030
Atari Falcon 030 with at least 1 Mb of free memory. 
Clean start (so no Mint or other desktop upgrade)
Runs on VGA and RGB monitors.
Control by mouse and uses a floppy but will also work from HD.

Version TT/(Mega)STEE

Atari TT or (Mega)STE with at least 1 Mb of free memory. 
Clean start (so no Mint or other desktop upgrade)
Runs RGB monitors/SC1224/SC1435
Control by mouse and uses a floppy but will also work from HD.

Have to go now...

Alexander "BoNuS" de Vries

Trivia - BeGEMeD

Features digitized sound fx at 12.5KHz

Supports Blitter
Supports STe DMA sound

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