Comments about BATSUB:
* The joystick works like the arrow keys - the fire button
launches the torpedo.
* The "T" on the right panel changes color depending on
the number of torpedoes active. When the "T" is green,
you can launch a torpedo. When the "T" is red, you have
to wait until until one torpedo leaves the screen.
* The "V" and "Q" keys must be capitals.
* BATSUB only works in low res screen mode. The program will
switch into low res and return to the previous resolution
at the end of the game.
* File SUB.NEO must be in current directory.
* Press any key after "GAME OVER" appears to return to desktop.
* Information scrolls on the bottom of the screen when the
games starts.
* I know there are two spelling mistakes in the scrolling text.
Send you comments to BATSoftware via UID 72030,40.