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Screenshots - Baseball

Baseball atari screenshot
Baseball atari screenshot
Baseball atari screenshot

Information - Baseball

GenreSports - BaseballYear1992
LanguageSTOS BASICPublisher[no publisher]
ControlsJoystickDistributorInternational Freeware Assoc.
Players1 vs. 2Developer[n/a]
ResolutionLowLicensed from-

Van den Houten, Peter

Graphic Artist(s)

Van den Houten, Peter

Game design

Van den Houten, Peter

Box / InstructionsEnglish


LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
Sound FX

Van den Houten, Peter

Cover Artist(s)ST TypeST, STe / 0.5MB
Dumpdownload atari Baseball Download / STNumber of Disks1 / Double-Sided

Instructions - Baseball

* *           * *                       
 *   BASEBALL  *                        
* *           * *                       
written in STOS Basic                   
by Peter van den Houten                 
Hilversum, Holland, 1992                
Two player game, need two joysticks     
Low resolution
BASEBALL is a two player baseball game between the Los Angeles Dodgers
and the New York Yankees.
           L.A.Dodgers    N.Y.Yankees   
           -----------    -----------   
Color      Pink           Blue          
Joystick   2 (mouse port) 1             
One games takes 8 innings to play.      
Every inning contains 2 halfs.          
Each half one player is batting and the 
other player is pitching.               
Screen 1  ( pitch screen )                              
Press 'D' or 'Y' to see statistics of   
the two teams.                          
Press  to change pitcher. Then press  
joystick UP or DOWN to select pitcher   
and press BUTTON to end.                
Pitcher: 1. Choose kind of throw:        
            Use joystick and press      
         2. Choose direction of throw:   
            Use joystick to give the    
            ball a little effect and    
            press button.               
Hitter:  1. Press button to continue or:.   
            If you want to bunt or      
            steal a base point joystick 
            in the corresponding direction.     
The hitter must press the button at the 
right time. You can only hit the ball   
when it does not go wide. When you        
hit the ball you can use the        
joystick to give the direction you want 
to hit to.                              
Joystick left=ball to right, up=ball    
down, down=ball up and right=ball left. 
When you hit the ball the screen        
Screen 2 ( field screen )                                
Fielders: Press button to switch between        
the fielders. Try to catch the ball.        
When you have the ball throw the ball   
to a base. Select the base with the
joystick and pressing the button.
  down=home      right=1st base
  up=2nd base    left=3th base
Watch out when throwing balls to bases
when there is nobody standing on it.               
Runners: When a runner has reached      
a base safely you can run further by    
selecting the appropriate action out    
of the ones shown at the bottom of the  
screen. The color of the boxes beside   
the arrows indicates what a player      
can do.                                 
A runner cannot be called back except   
when the ball is catched.               
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