MarkTheMorose - 20/06/2015 |
Is that second screen shot really from the game? It's an image of Fernandez Must Die. |
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| B A L L I S T I C |
+--------- (Works only in LOW resolution colour mode!) ---------+
+---------- Graphics, Sound, Code and Instructions By ----------+
+--------------------------- C H A P O -------------------------+
+------------- Written Using GFA Basic Version 2 ---------------+
T H E G A M E :
Ballistic is a deceivingly simple ballistic missle game. All
you have to do is to set the angle and velocity of the shot and
fire... Not so! As well as the main shot you can set a 'delta'
angle and velocity. These are first added to the main values,
then subtracted, for a total of three shots per turn. As the
number of men in your army decreases so does the number of shots
you can fire per turn.
71+ Men 3 Shots
36+ Men 2 Shots
6+ Men 1 Shot
5 or less men Self Destruction
As you can see, 5 or fewer men is pretty deadly, since they
cannot work the cannon.
After the introduction animation use the mouse to click on
either 'GO!' to start the game, or 'HELP' for brief instructions,
plot and history. If you select 'GO!' you are asked for the
number of men in the Left (Red) Army. Use the left mouse button
to increment the value or the right button to decrease it. Then
press a key and repeat for the right (Blue) army size.
Each battle scene is only fought by armies of up to 100 men.
So if the initial size is greater than 100 the war will be split
up into a number of smaller skirmishes until one side is
Next the scene is drawn and a small letter 'L' or 'R' on the
panel signifies whose turn it is to fire. The appropriate player
should grab the mouse and set his/her angle and velocity. These
are shown by the two left hand values. Use the left button to
increase a value, right to decrease it. When these two numbers
are set as you want them (HINT: Ang=50 Vel=90 is a good tester!)
then repeat the procedure for the delta angle and velocity. (Try
Delta Ang=5, Delta Vel=10!) Then click on the TICK icon or press
both buttons together to start.
Remember to take account of the wind, shown by the number on
the arrow. (50mph is the maximum value) The number of men which
each side has left is shown at either bottom corner of the
The shot which you fired will either-
1) Go off the side of the battlefield (no effect!)
2) Hit either city ( you are penalised for killing
innocent civilians!)
3) Hit the ground ( making a hole! )
4) Land close to the enemy gun ( causing casualties )
5) Have a direct hit on either gun ( annihilating any
remaining soldiers in that particular battle!)
The objective is to be the last remaining force with men
alive in it!
During the game you will encounter some or all of these
1) Starvation After every turn BOTH armies
lose 1 man.
2) Air Attacks Randomly bomb the landscape,
causing deep holes and light
casualties if near a gun.
3) Disease Some of a force may die out
due to a killer plague!
4) Traitors Traitors may leave one army
for the other.
5) Barrage Balloons These float in the sky, but
only block one shot.
6) Volcanos The power of a Mega-Shell is
big enough to cause seizmic
activity if it hits too deep!
7) Earthquakes These totally wreck the land
and reduce its overall height.
This can in turn lead to a
volcanic erruption.
They also kill men.
NB. I am continually adding more extras into the games updates!
Eg. I am developing a computer opponent with limited Artificial
Intelligence. (For those times when no one else wants a quick
game of BALLISTIC!)
That's all there is to it!
G O O D L U C K !
S E T T I N G U P B A L L I S T I C:
For non-hard drive owners (ST or STE):
1. Insert a blank floppy disk into drive A.
2. Click on the Drive A icon.
3. Click on Format in the File menu.
4. Click on Format in the dialog box which appears.
5. Wait for the disk to format. If an error occurs, restart.
6. Click on OK to the 'Bytes Free' message.
7. Click on Exit on the dialog box.
8. Reset the computer.
9. 2nd drive owners should insert the blank disk into their
drive B.
NB. This blank disk is called the DESTINATION DISK from now on.
For hard drive owners (ST or STE):
1. Boot up the computer and hard drive.
2. Click on the hard disk icon once to highlight it.
3. Click on NEW FOLDER in the FILE menu.
4. Type in BALISTIC and then press Return.
NB. The hard drive is the DESTINATION DISK and its letter should
be substituted for DRIVE B.
For all types of drive (ST or STE):
1. Insert the disk with the BALISTIC.ARC folder on it into
drive A.
2. Double-click on the drive A icon to display a window.
3. Use the window to locate the above folder.
4. Double-click on the folders' icon.
5. Hold down the left mouse button and drag a box around the
three files.
6. Release the button, then press again and drag the programs
to the Drive B icon. (Hard-disk owners drag it into the
BALISTIC folder which you created earlier and should be
visible on screen.)
7. Single drive owners will be prompted to insert disks A & B
alternately and should do so. (A is the BALISTIC.ARC disk, B
is the fresh blank one.)
8. Dual drive owners will just have to wait for the files to
9. Hard drive owners will just have to wait for the files to
copy too.
10. Now double-click on the Drive B (or hard disk) icon to check
that the three files named BALLIST.TXT, ARCX.TTP and
BALLIST.ARC exist and have copied correctly.
11. Double click on the ARCX.TTP file to run it.
12. Type BALLIST.ARC into the dialog box and press return.
13. Wait for a message ending in (Yes/No/Quit/All) and press 'A'
14. Wait until the files have de-archived. (About 1 minute on
floppy systems)
15. When the desktop reappears the program is set up.
16. Hard drive owners: Drag the files STARTGEM.PRG,
STARTGEM.INF and DESKTOP.INF into the trash can and click on
OK. To load BALLISTIC simply open up its folder. (Double
click on it) and then locate and double-click on BALLIST.PRG
to load and run the game.
17. ST owners: Click on the drive B icon, then on NEW FOLDER
in the file menu. Call the new folder AUTO and press return.
Drag the file STARTGEM.PRG into the new folder and press
RESET to load and run BALLISTIC automatically.
18. STE owners: Do the same as for ST owners, but if
BALLISTIC does not load automatically after a RESET simply
double-click on its icon in the Drive A window.
If you suffer minor problems with these instructions try reading
the ST's manual or asking your friends, local Computer Boff etc.
If you still have major problems send me an S.A.E. for help!
NB. Clearly state your set-up, problem and any other useful info!
M E S S A G E :
Copy it around to all of your mates!
If you feel EXCEPTIONALLY nice then send me a couple of pounds
or so! (or more!) (But don't feel you have to!)
It is probably quite pointless saying this, but, KEEP ALL OF THE
FILES TOGETHER!!! (At least the ARC folder and its 3 files)
Ballistic will run from virtually ANY set up. (The procedure
above was just for total strangers to the Atari ST!)
HI TO: HobNob, Huffy, Al, Meesey, Tim, Steven, Phil, Silvy etc.
Thanks for play-testing it for me!
Anyone who DOES send me money will recieve a reply, updates etc.!
Send any queries, S.A.E.'s, currency (UK) to:
5, Arrow Drive
Currently I have written a load of other useful programs. (eg. A
password system which re-copies itself onto your disk when
trashed! & a desktop background colour changer) For info on these
again send an S.A.E. (I use them both!)
I hope you like this game (it's awesomely addictive!) and see
you soon in the next release from...
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The PPS (Password Protection System) >>>>>>>>>>>
The PPS is a short password program usable with both floppy
and hard disks. It can cope with any keyboard producable ASCII
code for any length password and due to a clever programming
technique it is almost impossible to discover for someone to
discover your password. (no .DAT or .INF Ascii files here folks!)
The really clever bit is that if somebody tries to delete
your password program it magically copies itself back into the
auto folder. (At NO risk to data)
NO software password system is COMPLETELY foolproof, but
this one is the best, and most hassle to intruders there is!!!!
For more details, or to order this program contact CHAPO on the
adress above! (The price of it is not set yet, but will be well
below œ5!(or even œ3!!!))
"I used to use another password program, but even my baby
sister found out the code! Give me the "PPS" anyday!" ,S. Allen.
Also available for minimum cost is a small desktop
background colour changer --- for when bright green GlOwS!
A number of other GFA 2 programs, complete with fully
labelled source code. eg. The F-Plan Demo and Mouse Wrapper!!!
Well, right
now it is
almost the
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