A.W.G. (Another Word Game) by Dave Burns
This game is for 1 or 2 players, in low-rez color only.
Each game consists of 3 rounds of hangman, with a bonus round
between each, and a challange round. When there are 2 players,
only the high scorer for the preceeding round plays the bonus.
In the bonus round you must figure out a phrase as soon as
possible, as letters are displayed one by one. In the challange
round you must unscramble as many words as you can in the
specified time limit. A hint option is available in the hang
man rounds. If you select hints, the category will be replaced
by the hint when you have one inncorrect answer left. Note that
sometimes the hints are a bit abstract. There are over 400
word/phrases built into the program which are picked at random,
so you should be able to play a LOT of games before getting to
know any of them right off. Click the mouse in Player 1 (and
Player 2 if 2 players) box to enter your name and click on the
options to set the game up how you want it. Then click on PLAY,
and I hope you enjoy!
Disclaimer regarding the hangman pictures: "An artist I aint!"
If for whatever reason you would like the source code for this
program, just send me a disk and a couple or so stamps and I'll
send it to you.
This game is definitley PUBLIC DOMAIN, so pass it along.
Dave Burns
16061 Euclid
Allen Park, MI