- Arena -
A game for two players.
Working Notes
Arena is happy to live in any folder called ARENA, but all the files
in the ARENA folder on this disk must be kept in the same folder, otherwise
ARENA and CONFIG will not work - together, anyway.
(Note directory = folder!)
The usual method of control is for Player #1 to use Joystick #1,
and for Player #2 to use Joystick #2. Joystick #1 plugs into the mouse
Alternatively the numeric keypad may be used instead of
Joystick #1.
\ | /
-4 6-
/ | \
The five in the centre
functions as a fire button.--------
Since a lot of work went into this program, it is being distributed
as Shareware, which means, if you like the game (ie play it more than five
times!), then I, the copyright holder, humbly request a registration, with a
fee of £2, which isn't a lot, is it? In return, Il'l send you a disk with
a one player practice version of ARENA on, along with another PD game of mine, STARMAZE.
Spandefang Software can be found at :
4 Cambridge Terrace
North Yorkshire
Cheques/PO's payable to Spandefang
----------------------- Software!
"This is the clever bit." This program lets you
play about with the laws of physics in the arena, to
your taste. You can play on a neutron star, surrounded
by walls of Turkish Delight, if you so choose.
CONFIG.PRG runs in medium resolution.
Double click on CONFIG.PRG, and the drop
down menus will let you alter the variables
governing the physical behaviour of objects
in the arena. When you have everything the way
you want it, click on the Reconfigure option
in the File menu. There will be some disc
whirring as ARENA.TOS is read in, poked, and
written back to disc.
(How's that for a kludge?)
(C) John Connors 1992