Aptitude Test

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Information - Aptitude Test

LanguageGFA BASICPublisherBudgie UK
ResolutionMediumLicensed from-

Duncan, Mike

CountryUnited Kingdom
Graphic Artist(s)SoftwareEnglish
Game designBox / Instructions
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Instructions - Aptitude Test


                  APTITUDE TEST : V1.0   21/6/92

 Most of the Test Questions & Answers came from a book called
 'TEST YOUR OWN APTITUDE' By Jim Barrett and Geoff Williams
             Published by Kogan Page Ltd. London

 This test will attempt to determine 21 different aspects of your 
Personality,  Aptitude  and Motivation resulting in three  graphs 
and  a  choice of some 20 different jobs/careers  based  on  your 
answers.  A set of demonstration examples are on disk.  Load  the 
results analysis 'APTUD_P2.PRG' and follow the prompts. It is all 
mouse control, simply click the icons. 
  The test itself (APTUD_P1.PRG) will take a MINIMUM OF ONE  HOUR 
to  complete.  It ALWAYS begins at the start  so  part-completion 
(although  possible as each module is saved separately) would  be 
silly,  because  it would require you to redo those sections  you 
may already have done.  It would be pointless for me to programme 
it as individual modules ...how many exams have you ever sat that 
permits  you  to  leave in the middle then  come  back  later  to 
  The  advantage  of computerising a test like this  is  that  it 
removes the temptation to look at the answers,  it simplifies the 
computations   needed  to  determine  the   result,   it   allows 
comparitive  testing because the answers are never  revealed.  It 
ensures  the  time limit is strictly adhered to and  it  prevents 
'second guessing' which can distort ones answers.

  The  disadvantages  of this particular programme  is  that  the 
interpretation of results is greatly condensed,  it does, however  
provide  the  most  important information which is  the  list  of 
careers applicable to one particular score.  Another disadvantage 
may  be  that diagrams are not as clear on screen  as  detail  is 
restricted by screen resolution.  Unlike a written exam, you must 
answer  every  question as it  appears...skipping  (by  guessing) 
'difficult'  questions  may  help your score  but  even   if  you 
complete  it within the time limit,  there is no option of  going 
back to those you 'skipped', which is another reason why you must 
allow ample time to use this programme. All or nothing!

  Every person is different so it would be impossible to  compute 
one single career based on such a small test.  Much depends on an 
individuals  academic  and previous work experience but  it  does 
point  you  towards  the most suitable occupation  based  on  the 
answers given.  You should do the test once then redo it  several 
weeks  later  and  compare the  results,  assuming  you  answered 
truthfully,  the  two results should be fairly  consistent.  Many 
jobs  suggested involve Professional and Academic  qualifications 
that may be beyond a person's ability to obtain, while others may 
be considered 'below one's dignity'. Only you can decide the best 
career  and it does help if at least,  the general  direction  is 
shown. There is little point in pursuing goals that are unattain-
able or totally unsuited to ones personality.  What the  Aptitude 
Test does is weed out the 'wheat from the chaff'.

 The end result is a short-list of some 20 different careers that 
a  person of your personality,  ability and motivation should  be 
encouraged  to  pursue  further and  three  graphs  showing  your 
strengths  and weaknesses.  In this version,  the  information is 
limited to 'On Screen Only' although the graphs themselves can be 
dumped to disk or printer.

                          THE APTITUDE TEST

  Each  'module'  comprises of 20 ~ 70  questions  with  a  small 
introduction prior to each test.  The first is APTITUDE and  this 
and ANALYTICAL ABILITY.   Overall these tests what you are  'good 
at',  everyone has  special skills in which they excel but  often 
don't realise exist.   It would be impossible to achieve equality 
between  all of the tests so however small the  difference,  your 
strengths will be revealed.  The analysis will centre on the  two 
highest  scores  giving several options based  on  your  greatest 
strength  and then in combination with your second  greatest.  

**  It  should  be noted that the number of  correct  answers  is 
computed  into  the  graph in such a way that it  it  takes  into 
account whether a test had 20 or 70 questions, and the difficulty 
factor  so  that  each graph block is a true  comparison  of  the 
others...it is not simply a direct entry of correct answers. Some 
tests demand a greater proportion of correct answers than others. 


MOTIVATION: No matter how 'good' a person is at something, unless 
they have the desire to pursue it, it really does not matter. For 
example  you may have all the attributes necessary for work as  a 
Steel Erector but have a fear of heights or dislike of 'open air' 
work  so  the motivation would be non-existent.  What  this  test 
tries to do is match what you would prefer to do,  in  comparison 
to what you're actually capable of. It compares:-

 LITERARY:     How much you enjoy tasks that involve words, ideas 
               and communication is tested.
 CREATIVE:     Creativity can be interpreted as an interest in 
               things artistic, musical or even imaginative flair.
   SOCIAL:     This indicates how much you enjoy  helping  others, 
               either directly with assistance  or indirectly with 
EXECUTIVE:     Shows how much you are motivated by  activities  in 
               which you can organise and influence others by your 
               own leadership.
  RESEARCH:    This  determines how much interest you have  in   
               acquiring knowledge. This could be academic study or
               scientific research. 
PRACTICAL:     Indicates  how  much you  like  being  physically 
               involved with what you do, working with your hands.
ADMINISTRATIVE:  Broadly speaking this determines how much appeal 
                 clerical or office type work appeals.


PERSONALITY  is difficult to test and can be influenced  by  your 
current mood or problems but although feelings may  change,  it's 
doubtful  they  would make a significant impact  on  the  overall 
results.  The greatest difficulty in personality testing is  that 
we  all KNOW how we are 'supposed' feel and often respond in  the 
most  socially  acceptable  manner rather than  reveal  our  true 
feelings. With computer testing, your 'secrets' are 100% safe. No 
one but yourself will know if you 'cheat' but the only person you 
will cheat is yourself.  Interpretation of the results are  based 
on responses from similar tests.  There are no time limits on the 
Motivation  or Personality segments but it's best to answer  what 
you first think rather than weighing up all the pros and cons  as 
if you actually intended doing what is asked.

RELIABILITY:  Shows how dependable you are. A calm consistent and 
unhurried   disposition  is  often  equated  with  dullness   and 
predictability  but also can be a solid base and a feature  often 
admired by employers who place loyalty and dependability high  on 
their priorities. Some jobs require dedication above the norm.

PRAGMATISM:  Reveals  how 'down to earth' you are.  A  pragmatist 
deals  with  hard facts (however unpleasant) and figures  and  is 
often  linked to practicality.  Personal feelings  and  sentiment 
seldom  intrude  into  problems and is  the  direct  opposite  of 
Sensitivity. A high score in one means a low in the other.

VITALITY:  shows  how lively you are.  It indicates how much  you 
enjoy  change  and variety, often  characterised  by  spontaneous 
actions.  Others  may find it difficult to predict how  you  will 
react  and  may find you totally unreliable.  A high  score  here 
would tend to make regular '9-5' jobs very unattractive.

AGGRESSION:  This  has nothing to do with dominance  or  physical 
agression like fighting.  It is best described as 'Go-getting' or 
ambitious.   How  bullish  your  approach  is,   could  also   be 
interpreted as how 'bossy' or overbearing  you are.  People  with 
high scores here, may hurt others feelings without realizing it.

SOCIABILITY:   Show how important other people are to your  life. 
It is the opposite of Independance and shows how you like to  get 
along  with  others  often  to  the  extent  of   self-sacrifice. 
Employers would find this useful because a high score would  mean 
you have an ability to 'fit in' with few conflicts.

SENSITIVITY:  This  is  all about feelings and emotions  and  how 
important  they  rate.  A  high score  shows  you  are  extremely 
conscious  of what other people say or think of  you.  Everything 
tends to become personal and you probably become easily offended.

INDEPENDENCE:  reveals how self-sufficient you are. Self-reliance 
is  required in all all jobs involving remote locations  or  self 
employment. A high score would indicate little if any interest in 
group  activities  or  social  situations.  Sometimes  considered 
'loners'  or 'outsiders' by others.  Often a  strong  independant 
score is linked to a high practical ability.  


Bear in mind that, like all tests of this type, the Aptitude Test 
is  just  that.  An  indicator of the  direction  you  should  be 
looking, no more. You may not agree with the interpretation which 
is  fine.  It does not claim to be definitive and in  reality  is 
probably more subjective than objective.

 If you REALLY want to know the correct answers I suggest you buy 
the book or visit your local library,  however once you know  the 
answers..this entire test becomes useless. Memory will affect any 
future testing.

  I hope you find it both interesting and revealing.  It was  for 

  M. Duncan    21st June 92

                          ~~~~~ THE END ~~~~~

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