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Comments (1)
strangely brown - 20/02/2024
A really slick and polished Space Invaders clone with a few differences of its own. Done in machine language too.

Screenshots - Annihilator

Annihilator atari screenshot
Annihilator atari screenshot
Annihilator atari screenshot
Annihilator atari screenshot
Annihilator atari screenshot
Annihilator atari screenshot
Annihilator atari screenshot
Annihilator atari screenshot

Information - Annihilator

GenreShoot'em Up! - Vertical ScrollingYear1991
LanguageMachine LanguagePublisherBudgie UK
ResolutionLowLicensed from-

Leong, Robert

CountryUnited Kingdom
Graphic Artist(s)

Leong, Robert

Game design

Leong, Robert

Box / InstructionsEnglish

Wheaton, Gary [Goth]

Sound FX

Leong, Robert

Cover Artist(s)ST TypeST, STe / 0.5MB
Dumpdownload atari Annihilator Download / MSANumber of Disks1 / Double-Sided

Additional Comments - Annihilator

See P. Putnik's site for adapted versions for hardware like HxC Floppy Emulator, Atari harddisk, TT, Falcon030 and more: The Atari ST Game Archive

Instructions - Annihilator

                        A N N I H I L A T O R

                        AN ARCADE QUALITY GAME 
                      FROM BUDGIE UK LICENCEWARE

                     BY ROBERT HC LEONG (C) 1991

                          "COLOURS" MUSIC
                      BY GARY WHEATON (C) 1991

___THE GAME_________

        Double-click  on the file  ANNIHIL.TOS  to load.  The game runs in
low resolution on all Atari STs, and game control is by joystick only.

        You control  a ship  at the base of the screen  with the joystick,
firing upwards at the swarm of 'insectoid' alien creatures hovering above.
Your aim  -  to annihilate them all!  Each of the alien creatures requires
several shots to be killed.  There are ten formations/stages in all,  with
a bonus nasty creature to be dealt with at the end of stage five and ten.

        To help you along,  there are occasional  bonus pills which can be
picked up when  certain aliens are killed.  These are labelled as follows;

                "I" (grey) confers invincibility
                "R" (green) confers repeat-fire ability
                "3" (blue) confers three-way shots
                "S" (gold) repletes the shield

The first three  bonuses  have only a  limited duration:  invincibility is
denoted  by a blue haze around  your ship, while the duration of the other
two  are denoted  by the length  of the  blue bar which  appears (when the
bonuses are  picked up) on  the top-left hand corner  of the screen. Above
this is a red-green bar which denotes the shield level of the ship  - this
is reduced by alien fire or by collision with the aliens. "Game Over" when
this is depleted.

        Points  are awarded  for each alien killed.  No points are awarded
for aliens  killed on  collision  with  your ship.  There is a  high score
table for the  best five scores.  In addition, there is an accuracy rating
based on  the percentage  of shots which  hit their target  over the total
number of shots fired.



        JOYSTICK -  LEFT/RIGHT  to move ship
                   FIRE BUTTON  to fire 

        KEYBOARD -    SPACEBAR  to pause (then any other key
                                 or fire button to resume game)
                           ESC  to abort current game

        Use the keyboard to enter your name on the high-score table.

Book / Magazine Reviews - Annihilator

 ST Format · March, 1992Rating: 86% 

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