This is the first Version from Angband for the Atari-ST. I tested it on
a 3MB Ram-Machine and on a `normal' STs with 1MB. This version
still contains one known bug:
1: Pressing Control-C stops the Program. So beware when you want to exit
with Control-X !
All other known bugs from the Unix version are also in the ST-version
because I used the unix-sources.
I added some minor features:
1) Auto-Rolling on character generation (from Druid-version of Moria 5.5).
2) The words `suscepible' and `resists' in the monster memory are
highlighted (sometimes a bit buggy, when those words are the last one in
a line).
3) Haggling can be switched off.
4) In file character description the slain unique monsters will be listed.
The environment variable `USER' is used for the savefile name and the default
name of the character.
The directory-structure *must* be like this (on any drive):
The directory ANGBAND can be placed in any directory e.g.
MANUAL.PRG in directory FILES is a self-extracting archive with the file
ANGBAND.MAN. When you are using a floppy disk, extract this one on a separate
disk. Otherwise there wont be enough space for bones and savefiles.
The program TPACKER can pack ANGBAND.TOS as exe-file so that loading from disk
will be faster.
Sam (Rainer Gehring)
Bug reports:
Rainer Gehring
Oberer Lindweg 46
53129 Bonn