All Aboard! Micro Gauge Train Set

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Screenshots - All Aboard! Micro Gauge Train Set

All Aboard! Micro Gauge Train Set atari screenshot
All Aboard! Micro Gauge Train Set atari screenshot
All Aboard! Micro Gauge Train Set atari screenshot
All Aboard! Micro Gauge Train Set atari screenshot
All Aboard! Micro Gauge Train Set atari screenshot
All Aboard! Micro Gauge Train Set atari screenshot
All Aboard! Micro Gauge Train Set atari screenshot
All Aboard! Micro Gauge Train Set atari screenshot
All Aboard! Micro Gauge Train Set atari screenshot

Information - All Aboard! Micro Gauge Train Set

GenreSimulation - TrainYear1988
Language[unknown]PublisherTerrific Software
ControlsMouseDistributorAntic Software
Players1DeveloperBay Cities Software
ResolutionLowLicensed from-

Pratt, Paul / Everman, Stephen

Graphic Artist(s)


Game design


Box / InstructionsEnglish


Sound FX


Cover Artist(s)ST TypeST, STe / 0.5MB
Dumpdownload atari All Aboard! Micro Gauge Train Set Download / PastiNumber of Disks1 / Double-Sided

Additional Comments - All Aboard! Micro Gauge Train Set

Download includes both ST and STX dumps.

Disk - All Aboard! Micro Gauge Train Set

All Aboard! Micro Gauge Train Set Atari disk scan All Aboard! Micro Gauge Train Set Atari disk scan

Instructions - All Aboard! Micro Gauge Train Set

                             A L L   A B O A R D !

                               TOY TOURING TRAIN


   FUN,  FUN,  FUN, that's what ALL ABOARD! is.   It's NOT an adventure game
   or  a strategy game, it's not a game at all, IT'S A TOY.  A wonderful toy
   for  the young part of us all.   It's endless hours of fun for every age,
   from  the  smallest  child,  to  the  adventuresome  who  wish  to tackle
   designing their own trains or scenery with the ALL ABOARD! EDITOR.  There
   is  simply no end to the fun and creative adventures that ALL ABOARD! can
   provide all ages.

   Atari Owner's Manual if you are not sure how to do this.)

   There  are two programs and several other files on your ALL ABOARD! disk.
   The  two  programs  on  the  disk  are  TRAIN.PRG  and  TR_EDIT.PRG.  The
   TRAIN.PRG  is  the main program, and the one we're going to cover first.
   The  second  program TR_EDIT.PRG is the editor program for those who wish
   to  design their own trains and scenery.  The editor will be discussed in
   the second part of this manual.

   Half  the  fun of a new program is booting it up and trying to figure out
   what  it  will  do  without  reading  the  manual.  And if you're of that
   school, be our guests and have a great time.  But for most of us, nothing
   is  quite as useful when getting to know a new program as a walk-through,
   or   in   our   case  a  drive-through.   So  boot  up  ALL  ABOARD!  (in
   low-resolution,  please), stroke the engine, and get set for our tutorial
   tour of a toy touring train.

   After  the  program  is loaded, there is a brief flurry of activity while
   the  opening  screen presents the ALL ABOARD cast of characters.  This is
   climaxed by an explosion, followed by the appearance of the mouse cursor.
   Click the mouse anywhere on the screen and you're off on your tour.


   The   initial  ALL  ABOARD!  screen  (or  "default"  screen)  displays  a
   combination  of  track and scenery where you will be running your trains.
   If  you  look  around  the  screen  you  will  find a very very small red
   flashing  cursor.   This  is your mouse pointer while you are in the main
   screen.   Move  it  around  a  little and get the feel of it.  It moves a
   little  differently  than a normal mouse; it moves in increments of eight
   pixels  (screen  dots)  at  a time.  This is because the entire screen is
   really  a  series  of small pictures that are 16 by 16 pixels in size, so
   moving  in  increments  of  8  helps  you know exactly which picture your
   cursor is on.

   When  you  find  the  small red cursor, pull it down to the bottom of the
   screen  until  it  enters the ALL ABOARD! title area.  The menu will then
   pop  up.  To exit the menu again move the mouse pointer up off the top of
   the menu, or click on the right mouse button.


   Most  of  the  small  pictures in the menu are pieces that can be carried
   onto  the  main screen for placement.  When you click on them they become
   free  moving  objects  that can be positioned on the main screen.  But if
   you  change your mind about an object before you set it down, either pull
   it  back  down  into  the  menu, or click the right mouse button.  Either
   action will remove the object.


   There  wouldn't be much fun in a train set if you couldn't run trains, so
   let's  get  one  going.   There are eight train cars positioned along the
   bottom  of  the  menu,  four  with  left-facing  arrows,  and  four  with
   right-facing arrows.  These arrows represent the direction the train will
   go  when  set  on  the  track.  Thus a car with a right-facing arrow will
   start off towards the right when placed down on the track.

   Now,  move  the  pointing  finger  to  any one of the engines and click.
   Instantly  the  train will become a free floating object.  Move the train
   onto any horizontal (running from left to right not up and down) track on
   the  main  screen  and click.  You now should have a train chugging along
   the track (don't forget to turn up the volume), but if you happen to miss
   putting  the  train  down  on  the right kind of track, a dialog box will
   appear explaining exactly what kind of track to put the train on.


   Once  you  have  the  first car running, it is a simple matter to add new
   cars  to  the train.  Each car is its own motor and is not dependent upon
   the  engine,  but  if you wish to connect the cars together, select a car
   that  is  going  in  the  same  direction, and place it behind the engine
   that's  already  there.  ALL ABOARD!, knows what you're trying to do and,
   within  reason,  will  connect  the  car  for you.  So just place the car
   roughly on top of and behind the car you wish the new car attached to and


   On  the bottom right of the menu are two boxes containing the letters CLR
   LST  and  CLR ALL, that stand for "CLeaR LaST train put down," and "CLeaR
   ALL  trains on the track."  If you wish to remove the last train put down
   on the track, click on CLR LST, and that car will vanish. In fact you can
   continue  to click on CLR LST and each car on the track will disappear in
   the order you set them down, until no cars are left.  But a faster way to
   remove  all  of  the  cars  on  the  screen is to click on CLR ALL, which
   removes all cars at once.

   There  are  no  limit  to the number of cars a train can pull, but like a
   real  train  the  extra  weight will slow it down and cause problems when
   turning  small  loops.   But  then  explosions  are  half  the fun of ALL


   The  default speed coming into the ALL ABOARD! program is about 15.  This
   speed  can  be increased up to 25, by holding down the right mouse button
   anywhere  on  the main screen except over a switch (which we will discuss
   in  a  moment).   Likewise, the the speed can be decreased all the way to
   zero by holding down the left mouse button.



   By  holding  down the left mouse button all of the trains will eventually
   drop  their  speed  to zero and stop.  When this happens the engines will
   reverse,  and  when  you increase the speed again, the engines will begin
   pushing  the  cars  in  the  opposite direction.  When the cars are being
   pushed,  no new cars may be added to the train.  Since ALL ABOARD! has no
   way of knowing where you want the new car to be placed in relation to the
   engine,  it  simply disallows new cars while the train is in reverse.  At
   times  if you are running single cars, such as a trolly, you may not know
   you  are  in  reverse,  but  ALL  ABOARD! will remind you to turn the car
   around before adding new cars.


   Hopefully,  you  are  able  to  distinguish  the pieces of track from the
   pieces  of scenery.  The top line of eight pictures are the track pieces,
   the  next  row  of  eight  are  switches,  and the following two rows are

   Move  the  mouse  pointer over a piece of scenery, and click on it.  Then
   move  it  around the screen until it's over another piece of scenery or a
   blank  space.   Click the mouse and the new piece will become part of the
   main  screen.   The  same  procedure  works  for track and switch pieces,
   except  it  is best if the track pieces match up to form coherent a track
   layout.    Although  even  this  is  not necessary if you don't mind your
   train exploding all of the time.  Some of us might even put a tree in the
   middle of a track to watch what happens.


   On  the  right  side  of  the  menu are two rectangular filled boxes, one
   normal  and the other crossed out.  These are the symbols for placing and
   removing  tunnels.  To place a tunnel on the screen, click on the un-X-ed
   tunnel  and  place it on the screen.  All trains will then go through the
   tunnel  (if  it is over a track, of course).  To remove tunnels, click on
   the  X-ed  tunnel symbol for each tunnel you wish removed, in the reverse
   order in which they were placed on the screen.
   A  note  of warning about tunnels.  Tunnels can drastically slow down the
   trains,  so  keep them to a minimum.  Also, note that tunnels will not be
   on  the screen unless a train is running.  So you will not see the tunnel
   the instant you put it down, unless a train is running.


   On  the top right of the menu is a blank box.  This is the eraser.  It is
   used  exactly  like  any of the other track of scenery, except it removes
   whatever it is over when you click it down on the main screen.  To remove
   a  piece  of  the main screen, click on the eraser box, then position the
   eraser  over  the  object  you  wish  removed  from  the  main screen and
   re-click.  Instant oblivion.

   Switches can be found on the main screen by their red stop lights.  These
   lights  indicate  the  unused track direction by blocking it.  The second
   row  of track pieces in the menu are the switches, and they are moved and
   placed on the main screen exactly like any other track.  To switch one of
   the switches, move your flashing red cursor over the switch and hold down
   the  button.   ALL  ABOARD!  wants  to  make  sure  you  know that you're
   switching  track, so it will pause a moment before it switches the track.
   In  other  words, holding (rather than clicking) the left mouse button is
   the  proper action  for  switching a switch.  Note:  a train will  always
   travel the  straight part  of a switch successfully,  even if  the switch
   is set wrong. This is so you can run unattended loops.

   Running down the top left side of the menu are five small boxes.  Each of
   these  boxes represents a different predefined internal track layout.  To
   change  track  layouts,  click  on any of the boxes.  Your current layout
   will  be  lost  when  you  switch  layouts,  so ALL ABOARD! will warn you

   If  you  click  on  one  of  the  top  four  layouts, a new track will be
   displayed.   Click on the bottom empty box and the screen will be cleared
   completely so you can build your own track layout.


   If  you  have created a particular track configuration that you like, you
   can   save it to disk to be loaded later on.   Move your mouse pointer up
   to  the  very  top of the menu, and click on the long box marked SAVE.  A
   file  selector  will  appear,  and you will be allowed to name your track

   The  default  file  extender for track layouts is .TRN.  If you forget to
   add  the  extender,  the  default  .TRN  will  be  added  by  ALL ABOARD!
   automatically.   Of  course  you don't have to use the .TRN extender, but
   that  is  the extender that the file selector will look for when you load
   your layout back into ALL ABOARD!.


   The  only  thing  that can be SAVED from the main ALL ABOARD! program are
   the  track  layouts.   But layouts, scenery, and trains (created with the
   ALL  ABOARD!  EDITOR)  can be loaded into the main ALL ABOARD! program by
   clicking  on  LOAD.  A small dialog box will appear asking if you wish to
   load  TRACK,  SCENERY,  or  TRAIN.  Click on one and a file selector will
   appear displaying the files with the extender that match your selection.

   Scenery has the extender  .SCN

   Trains have the extender  .CAR

   Layouts have the extender .TRK

   Choose  the  name  of  the  file  you  want  loaded and its items will be
   displayed in the menu.

   It  is  not  always advisable to allow trains or tunnels to remain on the
   screen  when new files are loaded.  For example ALL ABOARD! has no way of
   knowing if your new track layout is compatible with where your old trains
   were   on   the  screen.   As  a  result,  all  trains  and  tunnels  are
   automatically  removed  when a new track layout is loaded.  Likewise, all
   trains  are  removed when a new train set is loaded, as the new train may
   be a single car such as a hand cart, and hand carts don't look their best
   strung together like box cars.

   A  final  note  on  loading  files  is that they install their own set of
   colors.   We  will  be  going into the ALL ABOARD! EDITOR in depth in the
   second section, but, the colors that are in use when a file is saved from
   the  EDITOR  are  the  colors  that  are loaded into the main ALL ABOARD!
   program when you load a file.


   Trains  run  24  hours  a  day,  and  with ALL ABOARD! you can adjust the
   lighting.  Along the bottom left of the menu is a box marked LIGHT.  This
   is  the  lighting  control.   Click on one of the smaller boxes below the
   lettering  and  the  lighting  will change.  Now, hold down the mouse and
   move  it  back  and  forth.   See  how  the lighting changes to reflect a
   particular time of day.


   If  you  haven't  figured  out anything else, you have probably found the
   explosions  by  now.   They are half the fun of ALL ABOARD!.  But, if you
   haven't, try one of the following, just for fun.

   1. Allow two trains to collide into each other.
   2. Allow a train to run off the edge of the screen.
   3. Allow a train to run into a piece of scenery.
   4. Allow a train to run into a black space.



                   A L L   A B O A R D !   E D I T O R

   For  the  adventuresome  who  wish  to  take control and design their own
   scenery or trains, there is the  ALL ABOARD! EDITOR.

   When  you  first  boot  up  the editor it may be slightly confusing.  But
   don't  worry.  It's really just a simple program to clip pieces of DEGAS,
   Neochrome, OR CYBER PAINT pictures, and turn them into ALL ABOARD! files.
   Everything  else  about the editor simply allows the clipping of pictures
   to be done more easily.

   Perhaps  a  better  name  for  the  ALL  ABOARD! EDITOR, would be the ALL
   ABOARD!  PICTURE  CLIPPER,  as  no  actually  drawing  is done in the ALL
   ABOARD!  EDITOR.   All  drawing  of  scenery  or trains is done in DEGAS,
   Neochrome,  or  CYBER  PAINT  then clipped from their pictures by the ALL

   Below  is  a  step  by  step  walk-through  of all of the features of the
   editor,  but  before  doing  the hands-on walk-through, it is recommended
   that  you read the following information first, just to acquaint yourself
   with the editor


   The  large boxed cursor used in the main screen of the editor is a little
   larger than the normal cursor, with a rectangular hole in the middle that
   is exactly the size of a ALL ABOARD! picture (16 by 16 pixels).  Which is
   very nice if you're going to be clipping ALL ABOARD! pictures with it.

   The  other  thing  you  will  probably notice about the cursor is that it
   jumps  from  one  screen  location  to another.  This is called snapping,
   because  the  cursor  snapped from one location on the screen to the next
   with no movement in between.  The point of the SNAP feature, will be come
   obvious in a moment, but for now pop up the menu, click the box that says
   SNAP  ON and change it to SNAP OFF.  Now try moving the cursor around the
   main  screen.   Much  smoother  isn't  it.   The  snap feature is now off
   allowing normal movement.


   In  the menu area of the editor are 16 scenery holding boxes and 20 train
   holding  boxes.   This is where you are going to store your small clipped
   pictures  before you save them as a file.  Simply move your cursor around
   the  main  screen  until  you  have what you want inside the cursor, then
   click.  Now, move your catch down into one of the holding boxes and click
   again.   If  you  change  you mind and want something different in a box,
   just move a new picture into it to replace the old.

   Please  note that the holding box areas of both the train and the scenery
   have  a  snap of their own that allows for exact placement of pictures in
   the holding boxes.  This snap is permanent and can not be turned off.


   As  no  actually  drawing is done in the ALL ABOARD! EDITOR, four picture
   files  have  been  provided on your ALL ABOARD! disk: two DEGAS pictures,
   and  two  NEOCROME pictures.  Any of them can be loaded into their parent
   program  (DEGAS  or  Neochrome)  and  edited  before loading into the ALL

   The  FULLGRID.PI1 and FULLGRID.NEO, files are identical grids of predrawn
   pictures  that can be clipped in the ALL ABOARD! EDITOR, and saved as ALL
   ABOARD!  files.   The  NUDEGRID.PI1 and NUDEGRID.NEO, files are identical
   empty  (16  by 16) grids for drawing your own scenery or trains in either
   DEGAS, Neochrome, or CYBER PAINT.

   NOTE:  We strongly recommend that you make several copies of the NUDEGRID
   files  for  future use.  The grid is especially designed to work with the
   snap function in the ALL ABOARD! EDITOR.


   There  are  three  kinds  of  files  that  can be loaded into the editor:
   PICTURE,  SCENERY,  and  TRAIN.   PICTURE files are standard, full screen
   DEGAS  or  Neochrome  files.   SCENERY  and  TRAIN  files are special ALL
   ABOARD! files (the same kind you load from the ALL ABOARD! program).

   To  load  any  of  the three types of files, click on LOAD.  A dialog box
   will  appear,  and you will be ask to select the type of file you wish to
   load.   After you have selected the type of file you want, an appropriate
   file  selector box will appear.  Chose a file, and it will be loaded into
   the editor.


   Any  Neochrome  or  PI1  DEGAS picture may be loaded into the ALL ABOARD!
   EDITOR  as  a PICTURE file, but it is strongly recommend that you use one
   of  the  four  picture  files provided.  This is because the grids of all
   four  files  are laid out so that when the SNAP feature is ON, the cursor
   in  the  main editor screen snaps precisely from one picture to another.
   And by doing this, it automatically aligns the cursor around a picture so
   it can be clipped.

   To  load a DEGAS or Neochrome file, click on LOAD in the menu, and answer
   PICTURE for the type of file to load.  The screen will blank momentarily,
   and the picture and its colors will be loaded into the main screen.


   SCENERY  and  TRAIN files are loaded in the same manner as PICTURE files,
   and  will be displayed in the SCENERY and TRAIN window of the ALL ABOARD!
   EDITOR.   You can then replace certain of the boxes from the main PICTURE
   before  resaving  the new SCENERY or TRAIN files, which are loadable from
   within  ALL  ABOARD!.   You can only save SCENERY or TRAIN files from the
   ALL  ABOARD! EDITOR.  Since you can't alter the PICTURE files from within
   the editor, there would be no point in saving them.


   To  remove  all  pictures in the scenery or train holding boxes, click on
   CLEAR  and  you will be asked if you want the scenery or trains cleared.
   Choose one, and that set of holding boxes will be cleared.


   The  last  feature we need to discuss, before a step-by-step walk-through
   of  the  EDITOR, is the AUTO feature.  There are three states to the AUTO
   button:  OFF,  SCENERY,  and  TRAIN.   Once  AUTO  is  moved from the OFF
   position  to  SCENERY  or  TRAIN,  each  picture you select from the full
   screen  will  be automatically placed, sequentially, into the appropriate
   holding  boxes.   Once the selected area is full of pictures, the AUTO is
   set  back  to OFF, and you are ask if you wish to save the file or return
   to  normal  operation.   If  you select to save, a file selector box will
   appear.  But if you wish to continue editing, press [Return] to return to
   normal EDITOR functions.


   Think  of  this walk-through as tape-recorded tour of a museum, where you
   walk  through  exhibits, holding a tape recorder and doing as the speaker
   suggests.  The recorder is this manual, and the museum is, of course, the


   Once  you have your EDITOR booted up, make sure both AUTO and SNAP are in
   the  OFF position.  Move up to the main screen and place the mouse cursor
   over  a  piece of the lettering toward the top of the screen.  Left-click
   to  capture  the piece of lettering.  Move the mouse toward the bottom of
   the  screen so the menu pops up.  As you move the captured image over the
   holding  boxes, notice how the boxes act like magnets sucking the picture
   into  their  middles.   This  is to help you know exactly what box you're
   putting a picture into.

   Ok,  move your picture into the first scenery holding box and left-click.
   Instantly,  the  image  is snatched by the box and you're returned to the
   main  screen.   Pick  up another piece of screen.   This time, instead of
   moving  down  to the menu, click the right mouse button.  What happened?
   No  image!   That's  right,  by  clicking  the right button, you told the
   editor  you wanted to dump the image and get the cursor back.  This right
   mouse  button  trick  also  works in the menu, as long as you haven't yet
   clicked a picture into a holding box.


   We  could  keep  loading  pieces  of  text  from the main screen into the
   holding  boxes,  but  they  wouldn't make very good scenery.  So click on
   LOAD,  and  select  PICTURE  when you're ask what kind of LOAD you want.
   When   the  file  select  box  appears,  choose  either  FULLGRID.PI1  or
   FULLGRID.NEO  --  it  really  doesn't  matter  which,  they're  identical
   pictures,  except  for  the  file format.  The new picture will appear in
   place of the old lettering.


   The  first thing you should notice about this new screen is that it has a
   lot  of  small  pictures.   Try  centering  your cursor around one of the
   pictures so nothing is cut off.  Difficult isn't is?

   The  second  thing you might notice about the new main screen is that the
   pictures  are  evenly  spaced in a grid.   Well, this is exactly what the
   SNAP  is  for.  Move down to the menu, and set SNAP ON, then move back to
   the  main  screen.   Magic  isn't  is.   The cursor moves from around one
   picture to around another with no effort at all.

   Now  trying  filling  up  your  scenery  holding boxes with pictures.  It
   shouldn't  be  hard  since  the  program is centering both the source and
   destination  for  you.   Just  click on the main screen, pull the picture
   down to the menu, and click it into one of the scenery holding boxes.  If
   you  don't  like  the picture you have in a holding box, drop a different
   one in its place.


   Once  you  are  completely  and absolutely sure you like the selection of
   scenery you have chosen, you can save it as a file to be used in the main
   ALL  ABOARD!  program.   Just  as  in  loading,  saving  is  a three step

            1) Click on SAVE.
            2) Select SCENERY when asked what to save.
            3) Type a name in file selector box.


   Creating  a  scenery file can be done faster by using the AUTO function.
   But  first,  it  would be best to clear the scenery holding boxes that we
   just  filled so we can see what we're doing.  Click the CLEAR button, and
   when the dialog ask you what to clear, choose SCENERY.

   Move  your  mouse to AUTO, set it to AUTO SCENERY, and return to the main
   screen.    Now,  as  you  select  each  image  for  your  file,  they are
   automatically  put  into  the  scenery  holding boxes one right after the
   other,  until all 16 boxes are filled.  Then the AUTO will be set to AUTO
   OFF,  and  you  will  be  asked if you wish to save the file or return to
   normal  operation.   If  you  don't  save  the  file,  you can change the
   contents of the holding boxes and save the file later.  It doesn't matter
   when  you  save a file.  The saving function always saves the contents of
   the 16 holding boxes -- even if they are empty.

   The  only  difference  between  creating scenery files and creating train
   files  has  to  do  with  the  drawing animation "pairs" of each car, and
   setting  their  "direction"  by  placing  them  correctly  in the holding


   Each  train  car  always  has  an  animation sequence of two images.  For
   example,  in  the  Red Devil train, which appears when you first boot ALL
   ABOARD!,  the  caboose has a top portion that pops up and down as the car
   rattles  along  the track.  This animation is a result of two alternating
   images  that go together to make up the animation.  One image has the top
   up,  and the other has the top down.  By putting one picture and then the
   other on the screen, the caboose looks like its top is going up and down.
   This  two-frame  animation sequence is true of each car in any train set,
   including the engine.


   Remember  that,  in  ALL ABOARD!, the trains can go in either direction.
   When  you  draw any car it's only necessary to create a pair of animation
   images  pointing in the direction you see in the sample FULLGRID picture.
   (Engines  are  the  exception  and  require  two images.  See below.) ALL
   ABOARD!  will  do  the rest -- but the placement of each car image in the
   holding boxes is very important.

   The exact order in which the trains are placed in the holding boxes is so
   important  that  it  is  best  to either alter the existing trains on the
   FULLGRID  picture  file,  or  fill  in  around  the existing wheel on the
   NUDEGRID  picture  file, which has arrows indicating the cars' direction.
   Then, after the cars are created, be sure to move the train pictures into
   the  holding  boxes in the exact order in which they were in the original
   picture.   Load  one  of  the  train files on your ALL ABOARD! disk as an

   The cars are ordered as followed.

      2 left animation frames
      2 right animation frames
      2 up animation frames
      2 down animation frames

      2 left & right animation frames
      2 up & down animation frames

      2 left & right animation frames
      2 up & down animation frames

      2 left & right animation frames
      2 up & down animation frames

   Engines  require  twice  as many images as the other cars because engines
   are  drawn  to have a distinct front and rear, whereas all other cars are
   animated  by  using the same set of two cars for either direction.  Thus,
   ALL  ABOARD! must animate a different set of engine images for going left
   than it does for going right.


   The easiest way to begin drawing your own trains is by first altering the
   exiting ones on the FULLGRID picture.  Load the picture into a compatible
   paint program and get creative!  Save the picture under a different name,
   then  load  it  into  the ALL ABOARD! EDITOR.  Move the new cars into the
   train holding boxes, save the TRAIN file, then play with your new cars in

   Once  you get the hang of editing FULLGRID, load NUDEGRID into your paint
   program,  and  use the existing wheel as the basis for your train.  There
   are  three important things to keep in mind if using this method.  First,
   that  the  first  two  pictures,  and each following pair of pictures are
   animation  sets.  (For  example  the  first picture might have a stroking
   piston  on  the  wheel, and the second picture a pulling piston to create
   the animation of a moving piston.)  Second, that first eight pictures are
   the  four  directions  of  the engine, followed by three sets of four car
   pictures.    And  third,  that  the  arrows  indicate  the  direction  or
   directions of the car in that cell.


   The  color  set  saved  with a DEGAS or Neochrome picture, will be loaded
   into  the ALL ABOARD! EDITOR.  Then, when you create a file in the editor
   the  colors  will  be  saved  in  that  file, and finally loaded into ALL
   ABOARD!  with the file.  This is not to say that altering colors is a bad
   thing, just know that it will also affect your scenery.

                                SOFTWARE ETHICS

   The  retail purchaser of this computer program does not have the right to
   exercise  any of the exclusive rights of copyright reserved by the author
   of this program, which include:

   (1)  the  right  to  reproduce  or otherwise make copies of this program,
   other than an archival copy (as described below);
   (2) the right to distribute copies of the program;
   (3) the right to prepare derivative works based on the program.  (Section
   106,  U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, as amended, Public Law 94-553, Oct. 19,

   In  accordance with Section 117 of the Copyright Act, the purchaser has a
   limited  right  to  make a copy of this program only in the following two

   (1)  the  new  copy is created as an essential step in utilization of the
   program; or

   (2) the new copy is for archival purposes.

   All  archival  copies  must  be  destroyed in the event that the original
   purchaser  ceases  to own the original copy of the program.  Section 117,
   U.S.  Copyright  Act of 1976, as amended by Public Law 96-517, dated Dec.
   12, 1980.

   The  propriety of respecting the copyright owner's rights in his creation
   (after  all, that's how he earns his living) is reflected in the range of
   penalties  that  the  law  affords to the copyright owner, which include:
   injunctive  relief  (Section  502);  forefeiture  of  all  infringing and
   contributorily  infringing items (Section 503); monetary damages (Section
   504); and criminal sanctions, including imprisonment (Section 506).

   The  holder  of  the  copyright  of  ALL  ABOARD! is Paul Pratt and Steve

Trivia - All Aboard! Micro Gauge Train Set

Includes Wobble Wheels Editor for creating tracks.

Supports Blitter

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