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Comments (3)
Atari A to Z (Pete Davison) - 06/07/2022
A classic isometric adventure featuring a rubber ball and an overly verbose Evil Wizard. It's Airball from Microdeal! Let's Play!
IntoTheVerticalBlank - 02/07/2022
An exceptionally well crafted early ST game. Guide your bubble, that is slowly leaking air, through the isometric rooms to find objects and solve puzzles. The control is a little difficult because of the isometric nature of the rooms, and I wasn't able to find the ideal joystick position (yet) to have it move properly. Great music and well drawn graphics accompany this classic arcade puzzle.
Fredrik Olsson - 17/02/2012
Great game that also comes with a level editor. Think I spent more time with the level editor creating my own adventures, then I played the game.

Information - Airball

GenreArcade - Platformer (Multi-Screen)Year
LanguageMachine LanguagePublisherSoftware Direct
ControlsJoystick, Keyboard, MouseDistributorMicrodeal
Players1, 2 (alt.), DemoDeveloper[n/a]
ResolutionLowLicensed from-

Scio, Ed

CountryUnited Kingdom
Graphic Artist(s)

Lyon, Pete

Game design

Scott, Peter

Box / InstructionsEnglish

Shields, Paul

Sound FX


Cover Artist(s)ST TypeST, STe, TT / 0.5MB
DumpMISSINGNumber of Disks? / ?

Additional Comments - Airball

Other versions with the same title:

Microdeal (United Kingdom)
16Bit Pocket Power Collection (version [Budget]) (United Kingdom)
MichTron (USA)
Microdeal (version [preview]) (United Kingdom)
Software Direct (United Kingdom)

Disk - Airball

Airball Atari disk scan Airball Atari disk scan

Videos - Airball


Trivia - Airball

Conversion - Atari 8-bit

Airball Trivia

First 16bit release reviewed in UK multiformat magazines for Atari ST in 07/1987

Book / Magazine Reviews - Airball

 The Games Machine · December, 1987Rating: 85% 

 Computer + Video Games (C+VG) · August, 1987Rating: 10/10 

Airball Atari review 

 Atari ST User · August, 1987Rating: 9/10 

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