Aerial Kombat II
Hello and welcome the the sequel to Aerial Combat ST, Aerial Kombat II
- The War Goes On.
Aerial Kombat 2 is a two player game which is controlled by two
joysticks. The aim is kill your opponent.
Player 1 Player 2
Raise nose Left Right
Drop nose Right Left
Fire weapon Fire Fire
Shooting opponent - 150 points
Forcing opponent to crash - 100 points
Colliding in mid air - 10 points
Shooting or colliding with
horizontally moving object - 50 points
Shooting or colliding with
Vertically moving object - 1 extra life
Lives left at end of game - 150 points per life
As soon as the game is fully loaded, and you have pressed the space
bar in response to the prompt, you will be asked to enter both players
names. These are changed at the end of each game, but the number of
games won by each player aren't reset, leaving it suitable for playing
in teams.
Aerial Kombat II features 3 scenarios. To select a level, move the
joystick so that the green flashing border surrounds your selected
level and then press fire. To select an ACST level, move the
border to the "Load Aerial Combat ST level" , or the "Data Disk" icon
and press fire. This will bring up a sub-menu which gives you access
to the three old levels.
The three 'new' levels all have themes, including The Fuzzles and STAR
TREK - The Next Generation
Data Disk
Moving the border round this option allows you to access data disks.
You will be asked to enter a disk, and press a key. There will be a
short period of disk access, whilst the new scenarios are loaded. You
can now select the scenario in the same way as above.
Aerial Combat ST - NOTE
Levels from AKII are mainly compatible with ACST. The only problems
experienced may be on the STAR TREK level, where the sprites will
crash into 'invisible objects'.
On the level selection screen, there is a box marked "Passwords". If
you move over this and press fire, you are asked to enter a password.
At present there are two passwords, they enable the user to change the
number of lives for each person, and to set the score for each
Previous releases:
The Fuzzles and the Flying Carpets (Updated to V1.5)
The Mutant Invaders
Space Invaders Nineties edition
Crazy Harold
The Mansion (*** in ST Review Issue 30)
Ladybird Maths
Aerial Combat ST (Soon to be updated to V1.5 (Nov. 1994))
Aerial Kombat II
Future Releases
Aerial Kombat 3 - hopefully!
This game is shareware. If you enjoy this game, you are asked to send
œ7 to us so that we are able to continue producing software for the
Atari ST.
In return, you are allowed to choose two games from the above list,
which will be sent to you free of charge.
To register your game, send a cheque for œ7 made payable to:
CJ Polonowski
and send to:
Colin Polonowski
Croft Soft Software
The Croft
Hope Rd
Nr Yate
BS17 5JH
Please remember to write down the following information when you
Name of game bought
Names of games you want
Your Name
Your Address
Programming Colin Polonowski
Graphics Colin Polonowski and David Polonowski
Idea/Design Colin Polonowski
All programming in STOS
Graphics drawn in CRACK ART
Doc typed in PROTEXT
Aerial Combat ST is soon to be rereleased with the improved control
method of Aerial Kombat II. If you are a registered user of ACST, then
send your disk to The above address, to recieve an upgrade.