Aerial Combat ST

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Screenshots - Aerial Combat ST

Aerial Combat ST atari screenshot
Aerial Combat ST atari screenshot
Aerial Combat ST atari screenshot
Aerial Combat ST atari screenshot
Aerial Combat ST atari screenshot
Aerial Combat ST atari screenshot
Aerial Combat ST atari screenshot

Information - Aerial Combat ST

GenreShoot'em Up! - DuelYear1994
LanguageSTOS BASICPublisher[no publisher]
ControlsJoystick, MouseDistributor
Players1 vs. 2DeveloperCroft Soft Software
ResolutionLowLicensed from

Polonowski, Colin

CountryUnited Kingdom
Graphic Artist(s)

Polonowski, David / Polonowski, Colin

Game design

Polonowski, Colin

Box / InstructionsEnglish


LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
Sound FX


Cover Artist(s)ST TypeST, STe / 0.5MB
Dumpdownload atari Aerial Combat ST Download / MSANumber of Disks1 / Double-Sided

Instructions - Aerial Combat ST


1994 Croft Soft Software

Hello, and welcome.

Aerial combat ST  is  a  two player
game,    and    requires   both   a
joystick (plugged into  port 1) and
a mouse (plugged into port 0).

Player 1  uses  the  joystick,  and
player two uses the mouse.


Action     Joystick    Mouse

Climb      Left        Right button
Dive       Right       Left Button
Fire       Up          Both Buttons


on the keyboard to pause the game, and any other key to restart it. Due to unconcievable madness on the part of Mandarin, I wasn't able to read a joystick which is plugged into the mouse port in STOS, so this wierd control system has to be used instead!. Player one is the plane on the left, and player two is the plane on the right. The aim of the game is to kill your opponent. This can be done in various ways:- Shooting them! Forcing them to crash into the ground or building Being completely mad and flying your plane into them! Each player has five lives. Scoring:- Shooting down - 150 points Forcing to crash - 100 points Kamikaze - 10 points Shooting or colliding with Bird/Comet/Container - 50 points Shooting or colliding with Balloon/Helicopter/UFO - Extra Life The winner also recieves 100 points for each life remaining If you are the winner, chances are you will have a hiscore. This will be recorded in your ST's memory. You are also allowed to include a message along with your name. If a plane goes off the side of the screen, it will reappear on the opposite side, after being moved down 5 pixels. Bugs: I have wiped out as many bugs as I can see, and understand, although there are a few I aim to sort out soon: Substituting the mouse for a second joystick Improving the collision detection Allowing more than one bullet from each plane on the screen at once Croft Soft Software: Croft Soft has been established for around 4 years, and we have released numerous games into the PD market. This is our first game to be produced from within STOS. We previously programmed on the ZX Spectrum, although none of our games were released.

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