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Screenshots - Aaron

Aaron atari screenshot
Aaron atari screenshot
Aaron atari screenshot
Aaron atari screenshot
Aaron atari screenshot
Aaron atari screenshot

Information - Aaron

GenreAdventure - RPG (2-D)Year
LanguageSTOS BASICPublisherST Review
Players1DeveloperNebula Entertainment
ResolutionLowLicensed from-

Morgan, Andy John

CountryUnited Kingdom
Graphic Artist(s)

Morgan, Andy John

Game design

Morgan, Andy John

Box / Instructions


LicensePD / Freeware / Shareware
Sound FX


Cover Artist(s)ST TypeST, STe / 0.5MB
Dumpdownload atari Aaron Download / STNumber of Disks1 / Double-Sided

Instructions - Aaron

Written and Devised by Andy John Morgan.
A Shareware Program Exclusively Distributed
on the Coverdisk of the Atari ST Review.

'AARON' Instructions.

It is the year 4018 and space travel and colonization is nothing
new to the human race,nor are the Aaronians.
This abnormal race of beings use humans for slaves.
There is no official War between the Aaronians and Humans.Although
it does seem likely to happen in the near future.
Recently a group of humans who were on a training flight near the
planet Vobos,were taken prisoner aboard the Prison-ship Aaron.This
large ship is run totally by Aaronian Droids.
The Military Space Command Council have come up with a plan to
save the prisoners.

You must enter the Prison-ship posing as a captured human.
When onboard you must find and rescue all the prisoners currently 
being held.You will have 30 minutes to carry this out before the
Droids execute the remaining prisoners.
Please Note.Avoid touching the Droids,as they will explode on contact
causing some damage to your heart.Too much contact and your heart
You will be carrying a Blaster,however you must find the ammo for your
Blaster in the ship.

Good Luck.


Burger             -   Eating this partially restores your
                       Heart condition.

Ammo               -   Loading this into your Blaster will
                       give you a total of 10 shots.

Teleport           -   Using the teleport will send you to
                       a random room in the ship.

Plasma Bomb        -   When Activated everything in the room
                       (except any prisoners) will be wiped

Shield             -   Switching on the Shield will give
                       you constant protection while you
                       stay in that room.

Message from the Author.

I have created this game for Shareware.Which means you are welcome
to give copies out to friends etc.
But please include this Doc.file when doing so!

You are not forced to Register with me,but if you do take up the
option you will immediately be sent the following..

'Circuitry 3 - The Mars Base'
A Platform game,starring Professor Small.
Follow-up to the previous Licensed game from Goodman International.

'Cardbash 2'
Two Card games to pass the time away.Very addictive!
A follow-up to 'Cardbash' also available from Goodman International.

'Aaron Editor V.2'
To finish off,this Editor allows you to design a completely new
layout to the game.Giving you up to a possible 100 rooms!
Very user-friendly.

To Register send Five Pounds or a cheque payable to 'Andy Morgan'

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