This program is designed to be used during a Dungeons &
Dragons Campaign as a Reference for the DM.
+ A Handfull of dice
+ Monster Editor
+ Monster Generator
I used a basic window type interface. Each window has a
close gadget in the upper left corner. On the windows you may
find labeled buttons. Also simple 3D boxes for text are available
for input of text where required. The text interface has a few
features built in.
+ Mode is always Overwrite.
+ Tab key brings cursor to next field.
+ Cursor keys enable cursor movement.
+ Return key brings cursor to start of next line.
Main Menu:
At the main menu you have 5 options.
1) Die Roller
2) Charts & Graphs ( Not yet implemented )
3) Monster Editor
4) Random Encounters
5) Close Gadget Quits to Desktop.
Die Roller:
On the left side you have 6 buttons for each kind of die we
use in roll-playing adventures. Clicking on any button will
enable 1 die of the type selected and the button itself will be
modified to reflect the number of dice enabled. Clicking with the
right mouse button will disable 1 die of the type selected. You
may roll up to 9 dice of each type for a total of 54 possible dice
to roll at once! Each die is shown in a row to the right of the
button type matching the die type. To the right of the individual
dice you have a total of all the dice of that die type so you
don't have to add you're 3D6 in your head. Also a Grand total of
all dice rolled is shown.
Use the close gadget to return to the main menu.
Charts & Graphs:
At the present time this part of the program is not
developed. Possible uses will be along the lines of Spell lists,
Treasure, Weapons, etc...
Monster Editor:
From here you can enter your monsters into your own data base.
There are 19 text fields to enter data about your Monsters, you
must try to keep all text in standard form or the program will not
treat it correctly. Here are some guidelines.
Title: Any Characters
Freq: Use text or numbers, 1=Unique
2=Very Rare
No App: Use single number or range, 1 or 1-100
Armour Class: Single or multiple body AC's, 2 or 2\-2\5
Move: 6" or 12"/24"/10" or 12"//10"
Hit Dice: 2, 2+2, 4-2, 1-4hp, 200hp
% IN lair: 20%, 80
Treasure Type: Individual separated by a ";" then Lair treasure.
M(x10);Q,B,S OR ;Q OR I;X or Q
No Attacks: just a number. 1,2,3
Dam Attack: 2-8 or by weapon
1-6 + Stun
2-12 + poison
1-4/1-4/2-5/1-3 or 1-3+weapon
Special Attack: Any Text
Special Defense: Any Text
Magic Resistance: Standard, 80%
Intelligence: Non,Very, etc
Alignment: Neutral
Size:S OR M OR L, followed by description in Parenth, (5' at
shoulder), (1 1/2' tall), (7'+ tall)
Psionic Ability:120
Att/Def Modes:B,C/F,G,H
LEVEL/X.P. Value VII/1300+10 (level 7, 1300xp + 10 per HP.)
After the text portion of your monster has been entered there are
a few more things we must do. You have to SET DATA, enter a
DESCRIPTION, and assign a PICTURE (optional).
If you would like to assign a picture just click on this
button. The picture must be an STmedium binary file. And should
match the palette of the program.
Set Data:
Here we enter the Encounter types and terrain types a monster
is to be found in. This is used by the monster generator to help
find a reasonable monster for your scenarios setting.
Here you should enter the description of your beast.
There are 2 other features in the Editor to help with data
entry. Arrow Buttons Left & Right with the current record shown
between. A left click will increase or decrease the record and a
right click will increase and decrease by 10's, also the GOTO
button will take you to any record number you wish. If you enter
a number that is larger than your collection it will take you to
the last record in your collection.
Close Gadget:
When you close the Monster Editor you will be prompted if you
would like to save your new data, if you do 2 files will be
created. MONSTER.DAT & INDEX.DAT during which you will see a
progress bar. Old files will be deleted.
You will then be back at the main menu.
Random Encounter:
Here are 9 buttons with different terrain types on them.
Clicking on one will attempt an encounter. Two buttons are not
yet implemented, Outdoor and Airborne. Look for the next version.
Some types require additional information. An example is the City
Encounter. When you choose a City encounter a dialog will pop up
and ask if it is Day or Night. If you choose both the last choice
will be active, in this case the night. I will later implement a
RADIO BUTTON LAW which will turn off the day when night is
selected. Use your commons sense for now to select these types of
input. After the selections have been made just select CITY again
for the encounter.
One text field is present. Monster Level. Enter a level of
monster desired to effect the Encounter Selection. A level of 4
will bring up a monster that is 4*10 +- 10 or 30-50hp.
If a picture is on file the PICTURE BUTTON will press itself and
show a black mark to draw your attention that a picture is
Last but not least is the ENCOUNTER button, although it does
nothing now it is the future of the Random Encounter Program. It
will interface a Character Party created by my Character
Generator with the Monsters Generated in the Random Encounters.
If you would like to register just send in a Question, Suggestion
or a Bug Report to me.
Robert Bowen or GEnie Address
161W Goltz Ave. R.Bowen1
Salt Lake City Ut, 84101
Any contributions for my efforts will be a suprise and will
get you a copy of my DATA files & will inspire me to work harder...
Gifts of time accepted. Hey whats $5 ?