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\______\/ \_____\/ Version 0.01 Ÿ 01/07/97 ÷ FŸï ÷
EXA team presents you "K", the brand new funny karting game.
This is just a preview, but it's a playable version ! Let go karting !
ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ
Keep in mind that you've got a "light" and demo-version! A lot of stuff will
be added (See further...). By the way, some other things will be improved in
final version, such as some graphics, sounds and car controlling. The main-menu
is also under construction...
"K" is a commercial game for all countries.
You'll be able to afford it at low price: About 190FF (÷ 19œ).
If you're interested in getting INFOS or in ordering "K", let contact us!
(See how to contact us at the end.)
--- "K"?
"K" runs on standard Falcon, with every kind of TV or screen (RGB, SVGA)
It also runs fine on boosted Falcons (Every accelerating cards, ...).
You simply have to install the game on your harddisk and to run KART.TOS
---- HOW TO PLAY "K"?
Rush and win! "K" is a racing game, so there's only one way to win! You'll
get several means to achieve it, such as options, weapons, and so one, ...
You can control your machine using the keyboard ( DOWN reverse or brake,
>, <, UP or SHIFT accelerates, CONTROL actives collected otion and ALTERNATE
make your machine jump!), or using the joystick (FIRE make you jump).
On the tracks, two specially colored circular plates allow to collect
options or accelerate the machine! Let differenciate these 2 important kinds of
plate! *;-)
NOTE: If you collect an option by running over a bonus-plate, the
option-screen will activate: It'll show the kind of option you picked up (Random
option). This option will still stocked untill you press the CONTROL key to
active it. Then, and only after that, you'll be able to pick up another one...
The other panels imbeded in the dashboard are so easy to understand that we
let you discover them.
The speed of the machine depends on the type of surface: Sand, water, snow,
green, and s.o. will slow it down. Walls stop the car, but, a few of them can
be jumped over (Jumping can be very usefull for skillfull drivers!).
MORE KEYS: Press 1 or 2 (near the ESC key) to skip or activate the
landscape scroller in the background (By the way, multiscrolling). This will
increase the number of images per second.
If the unlikely idea of leaving the game reach your mind, then press the
ESCAPE key... Everybody needs to sleep.
The complete and final "K" commercial game will contain:
- MULTIPLAYER mode, using standard FALCON MIDI ports!!!
- At least, 10 CIRCUITS through 3 various worlds: Sand, snow, etc...
- At least 5 MACHINES with their drivers: Each will have specific design
features: Maximum speed, acceleration, weight, weapons, grip.
- Weapons against other players will help you to clean the road!
- Possibility to choose detail level to speed up the game.
- Possibility to choose the difficulty rate, and so one ...
"K" is mainly developped by:
Programming: Elendil alias Ronan CARDAUT
16, rue Pierre Corneille
29 000 QUIMPER
-FRANCE- (Frankreich)
Tel.: (Your country code)+ 33 2 98 55 07 44
Graphics: Flan alias David DELATTRE
92, rue de Landrecies
59 288 PREUX au bois
Tel.: (Your country code)+ 33 3 27 77 34 41
Email: ddelattre@minitel.net or flan@minitel.net
Contact us if:
- You managed to get a very best lap record! Winners will receive the final
"K" version for free! ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ
- You want to give us your opinion on "K",
- You have suggestions, ideas or BUG REPORTS,
- You are interested in receiving and testing the coming up versions,
- You want to order the game or to get more informations, and so one...
Have fun!
The authors.
Thanks to DUMBO for the GRAOUMF TRACKER replay-rout used in the menu.