Survival Island

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Screenshots - Survival Island

Survival Island atari screenshot
Survival Island atari screenshot
Survival Island atari screenshot
Survival Island atari screenshot
Survival Island atari screenshot
Survival Island atari screenshot
Survival Island atari screenshot
Survival Island atari screenshot
Survival Island atari screenshot
Survival Island atari screenshot

Information - Survival Island

GenreArcade - MiscellaneousYear1983
ControlsJoystickPublisherStarpath Corporation

Mundry, Steve / Nelson, Scott

Dumpdownload atari Survival Island Download    Play it!Serial12 / AR-4401

Additional Comments - Survival Island

Other version with the same title:

Starpath Corporation.

Sometimes when entering the first number of a code changes the first three letters of the START text to SRM (for programmer Steve Mundry). Pressing both Fire buttons at the same time will trigger the initials to appear.

If the game is left on too long, a scrolling rainbow appears.

If you use the amulet (on the island), your adventurer becomes invisible except for his feet. Eating good mushrooms or herbs restores your body. It’s unknown whether or not this is a bug or a feature.

In the 3rd part, when you reach the rocket launcher, the rocket will take off, leaving your ranking in its trail.

Tape - Survival Island

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