Surf's Up

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Screenshots - Surf's Up

Surf's Up atari screenshot
Surf's Up atari screenshot
Surf's Up atari screenshot

Information - Surf's Up

GenreSports - Sailing / WatersportsYear1983

Curry, Chip

Medium Cartridge
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Additional Comments - Surf's Up

Surf's Up was the third and last game to make use of Amiga's JoyBoard controller. While Amiga's second game Off Your Rocker was sold in limited quantities through Pleasant Valley Video, Surf's Up was never completely finished and sold in stores, most probably because the gameplay was just not interesting enough.

Cartridge - Surf's Up

Surf's Up Atari cartridge scan

Ads - Surf's Up

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Catalogs - Surf's Up

Surf's Up Atari catalog Surf's Up Atari catalog Surf's Up Atari catalog Surf's Up Atari catalog
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