
Hits: 8,029
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Comments (2)
Scott Rinke - 20/06/2018
The only 2600 cartridge I still own from the early 80's, and the game that had me actively trying to earn the patches that Activision would send with a picture of your score on the screen. Since first-person-shooter games are so popular now, we have Starmaster to thank as being one of the pioneers of the genre.
Larry Russo - 23/02/2011
what a great game - improves on Star Raiders and Star Ship

plus a little bit of the old Star Trek game we played on green-bar paper back in the days of VAX and Mainframes....

Screenshots - StarMaster

StarMaster atari screenshot
StarMaster atari screenshot
StarMaster atari screenshot
StarMaster atari screenshot
StarMaster atari screenshot
StarMaster atari screenshot

Information - StarMaster

GenreShoot'em Up! - 3-DYear1982

Miller, Alan

Medium Cartridge
Dumpdownload atari StarMaster Download    Play it!SerialEAX-016

Additional Comments - StarMaster

Other versions with the same title:

Activision (Canadian)
Activision (Int. Edition)
Artkaris Software
Canal 3 / Intellivision
Canal 3 / Intellivision (Tape)
HES (Plastic)
MaxGames Software
Taiwan - Bootleg
Video Tiger

Other versions with a different title:
Alerta no Espaço
Amo del Espacio
Star Master
StarMaster - Kommando Galaxis

The Difficulty switches act the same as the TV Type switch.

Two versions of this game exist. The first release of StarMaster caused the screen to roll on some TV sets, due to the VSYNC pulse lasting for only 2 scanlines instead of 3. The later release fixed this problem.

Cartridge - StarMaster

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