Ski Run

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Comments (2)
Hayden Fanning - 06/11/2021
the atari 2600 didnt have many skiing games they were only 4 skiing from activison ski hunt from homevision mogul maniac from amiga and this game (ski run) from suntek is was orignally crazy ski and then ski run and the game is not bad its just hard.
Eduardo Peralta - 08/09/2007
One of the 3 skiing games for the VCS (the others two are Activision's Skiing and Homevision's Ski Hunt), this game is not bad at all, although is very hard. In fact, and maybe in a attempt to cover its weak controls, Ski Run gies you 25(!) lifes.

Information - Ski Run

GenreSports - SkiingYear
ControlsJoystickPublisherTaiwan - Cooper Black
Players1, DemoCountryEurope
Programmer(s)Medium Cartridge

Additional Comments - Ski Run

Other versions with the same title:

Suntek / Sunteck Co., Taiwan - TP-6xx Series.

Other versions with a different title:
Abfahrtslauf, Crazy Ski, Skirun.

Cartridge - Ski Run

Ski Run Atari cartridge scan
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