Riddle of the Sphinx

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Comments (1)
Fernando Aires - 25/08/2012
This game looks quite simple and outdated, but still it's a very fun game. Unfortunately, I didn't get the logic of the game, I don't know what the objective is, the only thing I know is that when you enter some temples you may lose health and you may also die. Sometimes your character will walk slower and slower, which I assume means he's thirsty so you have to drink water from an oasis. There are thieves that shoot rocks at you, and there are villagers or whatever, that will trade items with you or take items from you. I don't quite understand this game but it's fun anyways :D

Screenshots - Riddle of the Sphinx

Riddle of the Sphinx atari screenshot
Riddle of the Sphinx atari screenshot
Riddle of the Sphinx atari screenshot
Riddle of the Sphinx atari screenshot
Riddle of the Sphinx atari screenshot
Riddle of the Sphinx atari screenshot
Riddle of the Sphinx atari screenshot

Information - Riddle of the Sphinx

GenreAdventure - Joystick-DrivenYear1982
ControlsJoystick, JoystickPublisherImagic

Fulop, Rob / Smith, Robert G.

Medium Cartridge
Dumpdownload atari Riddle of the Sphinx Download    Play it!Serial720106-2A

Additional Comments - Riddle of the Sphinx

Other versions with the same title:

Canal 3 / Intellivision
HES (Blisterpack)
Imagic (Cheap)
Imagic (Picture)
Imagic (International)
Imagic (White)
Video Games

Other versions with a different title:
Riddle of the Sphynx, Riddle of the Spins, Sphink's.

Imagic held a contest in which you could win $1000 if you solved the riddle of the Sphinx and send in the answer to the game. Not only did you have to get it right, but you had to present it in a creative manner too. Charles Compton won the contest by presenting his answer on a 12 foot long scroll written in authentic Egyptian hieroglyphics.

Cartridge - Riddle of the Sphinx

Riddle of the Sphinx Atari cartridge scan Riddle of the Sphinx Atari cartridge scan Riddle of the Sphinx Atari cartridge scan Riddle of the Sphinx Atari cartridge scan

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Catalogs - Riddle of the Sphinx

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Videos - Riddle of the Sphinx


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