Power Off!

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Power Off! atari screenshot
Power Off! atari screenshot
Power Off! atari screenshot
Power Off! atari screenshot
Power Off! atari screenshot

Information - Power Off!

GenreArcade - Platformer (Single Screen)Year2002

Bacher, Eric / Barzilai, Igor

Medium Cartridge
Dumpdownload atari Power Off! Download    Play it!SerialEBI05

Additional Comments - Power Off!

Other versions with a different title:
Escape from Supercade!.

The game was originally called Escape from Supercade and was to be released in conjunction with a video game book called Supercade. The game was shown at CGE2K, and copies were promised by the book’s editor Van Burnham to both the winner of a high score contest, as well as 25 raffle ticket winners. Soon after the book’s release, the author refused to reply to emails or fulfill prior promises. According to Van Burnham: 'The project went completely off the rails when the person who was building the cartridges for me disappeared, the publisher axed my promo budget, and I subsequently lost the winners list!' Nineteen years later the list was found in a bag and the winners got their cartridge after all. Ebivision eventually decided to release their game under a different name: Power Off!

Hozer Video Games held a contest for this game for the first person to find the secret message that appears when you finish the game. The winner received $50 and a game of his/her choice.

Cartridge - Power Off!

Power Off! Atari cartridge scan Power Off! Atari cartridge scan Power Off! Atari cartridge scan
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