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Screenshots - Picnic

Picnic atari screenshot
Picnic atari screenshot
Picnic atari screenshot
Picnic atari screenshot
Picnic atari screenshot
Picnic atari screenshot
Picnic atari screenshot

Information - Picnic

GenreArcade - Catch'em!Year1983
ControlsPaddlesPublisherCarrere Video
Players1, 2 (alt.)CountryEurope

Sloper, Tom / Corsiglia, Jeff
Fisher, Donna / Johnson, David T.

Medium Cartridge
Dumpdownload atari Picnic Download    Play it!SerialUSC2004

Additional Comments - Picnic

Other versions with the same title:

Edu Games / Edu Juegos, U.S. Games Corporation / Vidtec (Beveled), U.S. Games Corporation / Vidtec (Square).

Set both difficulty switches to B and set the TV type switch to Black & White. Power the game up and play variation #1. When the game ends, push Left on the right Joystick. The player 1's score will change to DAVID J. and the player 2’s score will change to DONNA F.

Cartridge - Picnic

Picnic Atari cartridge scan Picnic Atari cartridge scan Picnic Atari cartridge scan

Instructions - Picnic

Picnic Atari instructions Picnic Atari instructions Picnic Atari instructions Picnic Atari instructions Picnic Atari instructions Picnic Atari instructions Picnic Atari instructions
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