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Comments (3)
Allan - 16/11/2022
According to an interview in the Feb. 1985 issue of Keyboard magazine, Jeff Gusman did the sound for this game. He also did the sound for the Atari 2600 Oblix
Doug Jackson - 24/03/2008
A rather average game at the most. The game is decent looking but loaded with endless flicker (a big no no for me) and after a few stages the game is extremely repetitive and the difficulty is pretty slow to pick up so the game gets boring early. Only recommended if it's cheap.
Paul Humbug - 04/05/2006
It´s a fun and challenging game. I like the look of Pengo and his enemies. Another proof that VCS 2600 gaming can have both - great gameplay and decent grafix. A must have for every serious VCS gamer.

Screenshots - Pengo

Pengo atari screenshot
Pengo atari screenshot
Pengo atari screenshot
Pengo atari screenshot
Pengo atari screenshot
Pengo atari screenshot
Pengo atari screenshot

Information - Pengo

GenreArcade - PengoYear1986
Players1, 2 (alt.)CountryEurope

Hahn, Mark R.

Medium Cartridge
Dumpdownload atari Pengo Download    Play it!SerialCX2690

Cartridge - Pengo

Pengo Atari cartridge scan Pengo Atari cartridge scan Pengo Atari cartridge scan Pengo Atari cartridge scan Pengo Atari cartridge scan Pengo Atari cartridge scan Pengo Atari cartridge scan

Instructions - Pengo

Pengo Atari instructions Pengo Atari instructions Pengo Atari instructions Pengo Atari instructions

Ads - Pengo

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