Missile Command

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Comments (2)
chris - 13/04/2016
Great game one 2600 version that was close to original 400/800 even better shame in did'nt have end sequence on 2600 might have been hard work in 1981 ...
rolo - 06/02/2010
The NBC series "Chuck" from the team behind "The O.C." did a full episode honoring this great game. It's Season 2 Episode 5 "Chuck vs Tom Sawyer". Quite funny. And the best: In this episode Atari is still alive and kicking. Also funny is the Billy Mitchell look alike in the beginning.
Happy watching.

Screenshots - Missile Command

Missile Command atari screenshot
Missile Command atari screenshot
Missile Command atari screenshot

Information - Missile Command

GenreShoot'em Up! - CrosshairYear1981
Players1, 2 (alt.)CountryJapan

Fulop, Rob

Medium Cartridge
Dumpdownload atari Missile Command Download    Play it!SerialCX2638

Additional Comments - Missile Command

Other versions with the same title:

Atari (Black)
Atari (Black)
Atari (Black)
Atari (Black)
Atari (Black)
Atari (Black)
Atari (Red)
Atari (Black)
Atari (Black)
Atari New Zealand / Monaco (Silver)
Canal 3 / Intellivision
Dactar / Milmar
Dactari / Milmar
Dynacom Brazil (Illustrated)
Dynacom Brazil (Explosion)
Dynacom Brazil
Planetary Headquarters / Hin Seng
Sears (Picture)
Sears (Text)
Shock Vision
Star Game
Taiwan - Home Vision Style
Tiger Vision / Eram

Other versions with a different title:
Airbone Assault
Comando de Misseis
Fire Burg
Füze Savaslari
Misil Command
Missele Command
Missil Command
Missile Attack
Missile Command (Comando de Mísseis)
Missle Command
Robot Fight
Space Robet
Space Robot

On game #13, end the game with 90 points scored or less (score no points during the round, and have 3 or less missiles left in your base) and the letters RF (for Rob Fulop) will appear in the right-most city.

Two different versions exist. One version doesn't contain Rob Fulop's initials, the other does.

Cartridge - Missile Command

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