Merlin's Walls

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Comments (2)
Extreme Wreck 2000 - 24/06/2020
Ok, I'll say it right now: This is probably still the worst Atari 2600 game I had ever played. I only have 2 pros for this:
1. It scrolls smoothly
2. The title screen music is... alright.
Everything else however? J-j-just NO!!! The graphics are ugly as heck(being sideways makes it worse), the mazes are confusing to go through, there's seemingly no TNTs anywhere(the box lies), & not to mention controlling yourself can be NIGHTMARE INDUCING on a real 2600 joystick. 0/10 just ABYSMAL!!! This needs to be on TvTropes's So Bad It's Horrible.
duder - 19/11/2017
Quite possibly the worst Atari 2600 game ever made. The maze is extremely confusing compared to other maze games, & moving is pretty tough. What makes it so much worse has to be that it's sideways for crying out loud! .this lets you know that there was no effort when they made this.

Screenshots - Merlin's Walls

Merlin's Walls atari screenshot
Merlin's Walls atari screenshot
Merlin's Walls atari screenshot
Merlin's Walls atari screenshot
Merlin's Walls atari screenshot

Information - Merlin's Walls

GenreArcade - MazeYear1999

Barzilai, Igor

Medium Cartridge
Dumpdownload atari Merlins Walls Download    Play it!SerialEBI02

Additional Comments - Merlin's Walls

The TV screen must be turned 90° to the left in order to play this game properly.

Cartridge - Merlin's Walls

Merlin's Walls Atari cartridge scan Merlin's Walls Atari cartridge scan Merlin's Walls Atari cartridge scan
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