Levee Game (The)

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Screenshots - Levee Game (The)

Levee Game (The) atari screenshot

Information - Levee Game (The)

GenreArcade - MiscellaneousYear1983

Kitchen, Dan

Medium Cartridge

Additional Comments - Levee Game (The)

Also known as Hoover Dam or The Levy Game.

According to programmer Dan Kitchen: 'It would've been called in the lab The Levy Game, and he looked like the cop from Keystone Kapers with a yellow slicker standing against a dam like Hoover Dam. With three or four levels of play the dam would shake, the lights would go off and water would sprout and begin to fill up and pour onto the screen. The whole screen would begin to fill up blue. You had to run around and clean the little holes and cement them. And obviously as the game ensued water began to fill up, you had to go underwater and you had a little life meter.'

And: 'Keystone Kelly appeared in a yellow rain slicker running around ladders and platforms repairing cracks that would appear in a background Hoover Dam style image complete with warning lights and a beautiful sun setting on the distant reservoir. The screen kernels were written such that I could change the background color on every scan line so the entire screen would slowly fill up with water if the player couldn't cement the cracks in time. There was also a mechanic to "empty" the water on the player's side of the dam to keep the game going.'

While it is unknown how complete the game is, a screenshot has surfaced showing the dam and officer Kelly in his rain slicker. Presumably this screenshot came from a prototype made from the source code listing.

Cartridge - Levee Game (The)

Levee Game (The) Atari cartridge scan
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