Kung-Fu Master

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Screenshots - Kung-Fu Master

Kung-Fu Master atari screenshot
Kung-Fu Master atari screenshot
Kung-Fu Master atari screenshot
Kung-Fu Master atari screenshot
Kung-Fu Master atari screenshot
Kung-Fu Master atari screenshot

Information - Kung-Fu Master

GenreArcade - FightingYear1984
Players1, 2 (alt.)CountryEurope

Kitchen, Dan

Medium Cartridge
Dumpdownload atari Kung-Fu Master Download    Play it!SerialEAX-039-04I

Additional Comments - Kung-Fu Master

Other versions with the same title:

Activision (Special)
Activision (White)
Activision (Black)
HES (Plastic)
Otto Versand / Various
Pop Video

Other versions with a different title:
Bruce Lee, Kung Fu Master.

Notice that this is the only Activision - Salu label that carries a model number.

Cartridge - Kung-Fu Master

Kung-Fu Master Atari cartridge scan Kung-Fu Master Atari cartridge scan Kung-Fu Master Atari cartridge scan

Videos - Kung-Fu Master

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