James Bond 007 - As Seen in Octopussy

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Information - James Bond 007 - As Seen in Octopussy

GenreArcade - MiscellaneousYear1983
ControlsJoystickPublisherParker Brothers
Players1, 2 (alt.)CountryUSA
Programmer(s)Medium Cartridge

Additional Comments - James Bond 007 - As Seen in Octopussy

Originally starting out as James Bond 007 - As Seen in Octopussy, this version would have taken place on a train and be based on only one movie (rather than a series of movies like the final game). In this game 007 would have to shoot at and dodge bullets from two armed men as they ran around on a train cart. This version of the game was seen by more than one person at various game shows and was advertised in at least one Parker Brothers catalog. It is highly likely that this game was completed, but dropped in favor of the released version. Although the prototype of this game is still not found, a promo box does exist. The game was advertized in magazines and shown at the CES in Chicago and the Electronic Fun Expo in New York in 1983.

Cartridge - James Bond 007 - As Seen in Octopussy

James Bond 007 - As Seen in Octopussy Atari cartridge scan

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Catalogs - James Bond 007 - As Seen in Octopussy

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