Home Run

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Comments (2)
mark wolo - 05/01/2016
A sub par game at best. The outfielders move way too fast. The graphics are blocky even for 1978 standards. Baseball for the Odyssey 2 is more enjoyable to play than this
mark wolo - 05/01/2016
A sub par game at best. The outfielders move way too fast. The graphics are blocky even for 1978 standards. Baseball for the Odyssey 2 is more enjoyable to play than this

Screenshots - Home Run

Home Run atari screenshot
Home Run atari screenshot

Information - Home Run

GenreSports - BaseballYear1986
Players1, 1 vs. 2CountryUSA

Whitehead, Bob

Medium Cartridge
Dumpdownload atari Home Run Download    Play it!SerialCX2623

Additional Comments - Home Run

Other versions with the same title:

Atari (Black)
Atari (Black / Gray Box)
Atari (Text)
Atari (Black)
Atari (Black / Gray Box)
Edu Games / Edu Juegos

Other versions with a different title:
Base Ball, Baseball, Homerun.

Notice that the cart is now called Homerun, instead of Home Run.

Cartridge - Home Run

Home Run Atari cartridge scan Home Run Atari cartridge scan Home Run Atari cartridge scan Home Run Atari cartridge scan Home Run Atari cartridge scan

Instructions - Home Run

Home Run Atari instructions Home Run Atari instructions Home Run Atari instructions Home Run Atari instructions Home Run Atari instructions Home Run Atari instructions Home Run Atari instructions Home Run Atari instructions

Ads - Home Run

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Videos - Home Run

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