Haunted House

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Comments (1)
mark wolo - 05/01/2016
A very good adventure type game. Its got some cool sounding wind and thunder noises. graphics are pretty good for the time. Another game that can be beaten and not another shoot till you die game. 1/4/16

Screenshots - Haunted House

Haunted House atari screenshot
Haunted House atari screenshot
Haunted House atari screenshot
Haunted House atari screenshot
Haunted House atari screenshot
Haunted House atari screenshot

Information - Haunted House

GenreAdventure - Joystick-DrivenYear1986

Andreasen, James

Medium Cartridge
Dumpdownload atari Haunted House Download    Play it!SerialCX2654

Additional Comments - Haunted House

Other versions with the same title:

Atari (Black)
Atari (2800)
Atari (Black)
Atari New Zealand / Monaco (Silver)
Beagle Brothers
Dactar / Milmar
Digivision (White)
Dynacom Brazil (Illustrated)
Edu Games / Edu Juegos
Play Video
Sears (Picture)
Shock Vision
Tiger Vision / Eram (White)
Video Computer System Game Program
Video Tiger

Other versions with a different title:
Casa Mal-Assombrada, Haundet House, Haunted House (Casa Mal-Assombrada).

An extra object can be revealed when solving the game. Get the urn, and go right against the exit wall (without ending the game). Push up against the wall and drop the urn. With a match lit, move Down+Right, grabbing the urn and ending the game instantly. Most times the urn will appear, but occasionally a 'staff' or 'wand' will appear to the right of you.

A prototype box with different artwork exists.

Cartridge - Haunted House

Haunted House Atari cartridge scan Haunted House Atari cartridge scan Haunted House Atari cartridge scan

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