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Comments (1)
scott stilphen - 12/07/2024
The box screenshot is of Atari's 800/5200 RealSports Soccer!

Screenshots - Football

Football atari screenshot
Football atari screenshot
Football atari screenshot

Information - Football

GenreSports - American FootballYear1978
Players1 vs. 2CountryJapan

Whitehead, Bob

Medium Cartridge
Dumpdownload atari Football Download    Play it!SerialCX2625

Additional Comments - Football

Other versions with the same title:

Atari (Black)
Atari (Text)
Atari (Text)
Sears (Text)
Sears (Text)
Taiwan - 2600 Compatible
Taiwan - Cooper Black
Taiwan - Cooper Black

Cartridge - Football

Football Atari cartridge scan Football Atari cartridge scan Football Atari cartridge scan

Instructions - Football

Football Atari instructions Football Atari instructions Football Atari instructions Football Atari instructions Football Atari instructions Football Atari instructions Football Atari instructions Football Atari instructions

Ads - Football

Football Atari ad

Videos - Football

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