Crypts of Chaos

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Comments (1)
AtariVidiot - 06/11/2013
I used to luv this game! I know, the graphics are crappy and the controls clunky but...the imagination it brought to life!

Screenshots - Crypts of Chaos

Crypts of Chaos atari screenshot
Crypts of Chaos atari screenshot
Crypts of Chaos atari screenshot
Crypts of Chaos atari screenshot

Information - Crypts of Chaos

GenreArcade - MazeYear1982
ControlsJoystickPublisher20th Century Fox / Fox Video Games

Marvin, John W. S.

Medium Cartridge
Dumpdownload atari Crypts of Chaos Download    Play it!Serial11009

Additional Comments - Crypts of Chaos

Other versions with the same title:

Dynacom Brazil, Genus, Xänte.

Cartridge - Crypts of Chaos

Crypts of Chaos Atari cartridge scan Crypts of Chaos Atari cartridge scan Crypts of Chaos Atari cartridge scan Crypts of Chaos Atari cartridge scan

Instructions - Crypts of Chaos

Crypts of Chaos Atari instructions Crypts of Chaos Atari instructions Crypts of Chaos Atari instructions Crypts of Chaos Atari instructions Crypts of Chaos Atari instructions Crypts of Chaos Atari instructions

Ads - Crypts of Chaos

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