Boom Bang

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Comments (1)
Philip - 10/01/2020
Bought this in the late 80s, turned it off at the wall, turned it back on and the 2600 game Motocross started playing as if by magic! Turns out there was a 2-in-1 cartridge produced, though my box made no mention of that and there was no menu to select the other game. Motocross was much better!

Information - Boom Bang

GenreShoot'em Up! - BomberYear
ControlsJoystickPublisherTaiwan - 2600 Compatible
Players1, 2 (alt.)CountryEurope

Kitchen, Dan

Medium Cartridge

Cartridge - Boom Bang

Boom Bang Atari cartridge scan Boom Bang Atari cartridge scan Boom Bang Atari cartridge scan
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