Big Bird's Egg Catch

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Screenshots - Big Bird's Egg Catch

Big Bird's Egg Catch atari screenshot
Big Bird's Egg Catch atari screenshot
Big Bird's Egg Catch atari screenshot
Big Bird's Egg Catch atari screenshot

Information - Big Bird's Egg Catch

GenreArcade - Catch'em!Year1983
ControlsKid's ControllerPublisherAtari New Zealand / Monaco
Players1, 2 (alt.)CountryNew Zealand

Omarzu, Christopher H.

Medium Cartridge
Dumpdownload atari Big Birds Egg Catch Download    Play it!SerialCX26104

Additional Comments - Big Bird's Egg Catch

Other versions with the same title:

Atari (Children)
Atari (Children)
Atari (Children)
Atari (2800)

Was sold with a Keypad Overlay.

The PAL version of this game doesn't show the 'EGGS' sign on the roof of the henhouse.
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