It was so incredibly limited that it forced the user to come up with really tight code, and at the ripe old age of 12 at the time of its release, it was THE catapult that got me started in Computers. THANKS MOM & DAD ! |
| Auntie Pastie - 16/03/2011 |
@Paul H; from what I've seen of this, it's so unbelievably restricted even compared to the most limited "real" computer (e.g. a 1KB ZX80) that I doubt anyone could realistically learn from it.
Being able to "program" a VCS is like getting a pig to sing- you're not amazed that it does it well (it doesn't), you're amazed that it does it *at all*! And that's about all this does AFAICT. |
| I never was aware that there is a basic programming cartridge for the VCS. Wow! Maybe things would have turned out different me working in the software industry nowadays rather than reviewing VCS games on this wonderful homepage. |
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Other versions with the same title:
Other versions with a different title: Basic, Basic Creative. |
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