World of Atari Show Picture Scanners Examples

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Screenshots - World of Atari Show Picture Scanners Examples

World of Atari Show Picture Scanners Examples atari screenshot
World of Atari Show Picture Scanners Examples atari screenshot
World of Atari Show Picture Scanners Examples atari screenshot

Information - World of Atari Show Picture Scanners Examples

GenrePicture / SlideshowYear1987


Graphic Artist(s)


ST TypeST, STe / 0.5MB


ResolutionLow / High
Dumpdownload atari World of Atari Show Picture Scanners Examples Download / MSANumber of Disks1 / Double-Sided

Instructions - World of Atari Show Picture Scanners Examples

   The pictures in this folder represent a new breed in the ST market: picture
scanners.  While we were at the World of Atari show, we were able to scan a few
things with Navarone's scanner (which retails for $1239.95).  Basically, it is
a Cannon scanner with Navarone's software and interface.  With a 1 meg machine
we were able to scan 1/4 page of one of our covers (the Postscript file was too
long to fit on the disk: 180,000K arced).  If you would like to get this file,
just send a disk, a self-address stamped envelope, and a dollar to our mailing
address.  Please note: you need a laser printer to print the file, however, it
is truly amazing.

   Both color and monochrome users can view the pictures.  Color users can view
the monochrome pictures (ones with a .TN3 ending) because of a special
conversion process that the TINY program uses.  One file, which was originally
color (JOUST.TN1), was converted to monochrome with a special program (LOOKER,
which does a special conversion to retain the complexity of color pictuers).

   The color Joust picture was scanned with the IMG scanner from Seymour-Radix,
based in Texas.  The logo was scanned with the Navarone scanner.  The degree of
quality can definitely be seen between the two, however, the IMG scanner
retails in the $100 price range, while the Navarone scanner retails in the
$1250 price range.
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