To load Steelyboink, you'll need a double-sided disk drive, 1 Meg RAM, and
a color monitor.
First, run RAYSHOW.PRG, and then at the file selector, run RAYTRACE.ANI.
Key Commands
F1-F10 Fast/Slow
[space] Pause
any other key Toggle title screen on/off
NOTE: This demonstration provides a number of examples:
1. You are seeing 50% of the 'virtual 3D space' that you have
to work with using the Stereotek glasses. Using a standard 12" Atari
monitor, the size of the 3D universe is about 24" deep, with about
14" going into the monitor and 10" coming out of the monitor. This
demo only utilizes the space from the screen plane, back.
The setting you'd use in Stereo CAD-3D 2.0 to simulate this effect
would be the 'IN' button in the Superview dialog, with separation up to
about 99%. The IN setting is recommended for most stereo work, but OUT
can be used to great effect when you're not clipping an object to the
screen (a clipped object would look unnatural if it was partially hanging
in front of the screen it is really behind).
2. Ray tracing is mathematically perfect. Steelyboink is a real
good demo of that. Play around with the Ray Tracing Construction Set in
START Magazine issue IV and get your own effects.
3. A number of depth cues enhance the stereo realism. In this
demo, a combination of binocular disparity, motion parallax, perspective
lines, color and shading, choreography all contribute to the stereo
effect. Experiment with using a number of similar types of elements in
your own CAD-3D animations to achieve equally dramatic effects.
4. Because the background screen in this animation is white,
whereas backgrounds for most CAD-3D animations are black, the monitor will
flicker more than usual. This type of flicker is called retinal flicker,
and is caused by a large white area on the screen. You can turn down the
monitor to reduce this, and in your own animations, try to stick to an
approximate 3,3,3 or 4,4,4 RGB value for a neutral-tone background.
5. You'll notice that when the image is paused and you move your
head from side-to-side, the image will appear to rotate with your head.
Actually, this is an optical illusion caused in your brain called Pseudo
Motion Parallax. PMP is a phenomenon caused by your brain's desire to see
information around the side of a 3D object as you move your head to one
side -- the way you'd normally see more of an object if you moved around
it in real life. Obviously, with a Stereotek image, there is no
information around the side, so your brain rotates the image in your head
to fool you into believing you're looking at a real object and that the
'laws of nature' haven't been changed since you woke up this morning.